Spirion: Exclude Scanned Directories

Spirion: Exclude Scanned Directories

There are times that data you have on your computer is similar to data that Spirion will flag as a potential risk (i.e. a number that may look like a social security number). In those instances when you are getting recurring false-positives and the data is in a specific directory, you can exclude that directory from getting scanned in the future.


Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Open Spirion to the main page (might need to click through/cancel the search wizard on startup)

  2. Go to Configuration tab

  3. Click on Settings to open the Settings dialog box

  4. Go to Custom Folders and add the appropriate folders

    1. Make sure you check Add as Exclusion

  5. Click OK to save the settings

You will need to create a profile with a password in order to save settings.

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Verified: Jun 13, 2022