VPN: Log In to Faculty/Staff VPN Client

To help protect remote connections to sensitive resources, a Faculty/Staff only VPN as been created which requires multi-factor authentication with DUO. This helps protect the resource even if someone has their password stolen.


Connect using the Cisco AnyConnect client:

  1. The Cisco AnyConnect client needs to be installed on the device being used to connect. If you need to install that, please see this knowledge base article first.

  2. Open the Cisco AnyConnect client.

  3. Type sslvpn.usu.edu/staff in the address box.  


  4. Select Connect

  5. It will prompt for your username and two passwords:

If you haven't already, please set your password and/or set up duo.

The VPN endpoint is 'sslvpn.usu.edu/staff'. If you omit '/staff', you will not gain any elevated privileges (ie. you will be connected to the normal campus VPN).

 USU Service Now will list knowledge base articles for how to configure AnyConnect for most device types.

  • This VPN connection currently allocates an address in the subnet.

    Typical uses could include:

    • remote access to systems for management purposes

    • remote interactive access to database servers

    • Identity based access to a specific resource within the SER datacenter

    Note that student employees are part of the staff group and can use this VPN as needed.

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Verified: Apr 27, 2022