Holdings Record Brief Workflow
Created by Melanie, uploaded by Liz, and updated continuously by various.
This is a brief and simplified workflow for applying the USU’s Full Holdings Procedures. Refer to MARC Holdings Records Full Procedures, for anything not found here (or the national standards here):
MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data: Table of Contents (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress) See also fuller list of resources at the end of this WF.
See also: Creating Holdings Records in Sierra
Unless stated otherwise, USU Libraries use NISO standard Level 3 enumeration
- 1 The Sierra MARC Holdings Record:
- 1.1.1 The Fields (a selection of the most common/useful fields):
- Sierra Specific Fixed Fields (at the top of the Holdings Record)
- MARC Leader: #####ny 22#####3n 4500
- Fixed Fields 007/008
- 022 ISSN number
- 035 OCLC number
- 583 1 Action field: committed to retain (+ related 561 fields)
- 852 field: mainly call number (as used in Sierra)- more generally in MARC21: location
- 853/863 field: the Actual Holdings
- 866 fields - textual holdings (many of our older holdings)
- Other 8xx Fields not covered here
- 1.1.1 The Fields (a selection of the most common/useful fields):
- 1.2 Reading and making edits to Holdings 853/863/866 fields
- 1.2.1 853/863 for multivolume monographs:
- 1.2.2 853/863 for serials:
- 1.2.3 866 fields:
- 1.2.4 Quality Checking
- 1.2.5 Statistics
- 1.2.6 Deleting
- 1.2.7 Other holdings record resources:
The Sierra MARC Holdings Record:
When making any edits in the MARC Holdings Record; check it by clicking on View; Public, and make sure it is displaying properly. If it isn’t, then check for typos or coding errors.
Summary; c = Holdings; Record:
The Fields (a selection of the most common/useful fields):
Sierra Specific Fixed Fields (at the top of the Holdings Record)
gjrnl = BARN journals
gbks = BARN books (annuals, etc.)
iabb = SCA (formerly ABR) Beat Magazines
agov = Government Documents (Gov. Info.)
MARC Leader: #####ny 22#####3n 4500
To see/work on: Hover over the field, Right-click; choose Expand Field;
Right-click; choose Collapse field when done.
RECORD TYPE: y = Serial item holdings or v = for multi-volume monograph holdings
ENC LEVEL: 3 = Encoding Level (top level of enumeration/chronology only)
Fixed Fields 007/008
Hover over field, Right-click; Expand Field to check/edit codes; Collapse field after or just Save
007 physical description
ta (print volumes) – see full procedures for other formats
008: 0000005u 8 0001uaeng0110927 (fixed fields) – see full procedures for description.
Hover over 008 field, Right-click; choose Expand Field
Some of the most important codes to check:
R/A Stat: 4 = currently received, 5 = no longer receiving (cancelled or gift), 2 = ceased by publisher
GenRet: 8 = permanently retained (most); 6 = retained for limited period (i.e. current issue only)
Language (of captions): eng = English language captions (unless they’re not)
022 ISSN number
copy/paste from bib record (has been optional at USU CMS, maybe should start doing?)
035 OCLC number
copy/paste from bib record, if missing: 035 (OCoLC and number),
583 1 Action field: committed to retain (+ related 561 fields)
At USU only used for consortia-type holdings: “committed to retain” only add if editing a serial with holdings archived by USU Libraries (as part of a consortium/group: GWLA, WEST, etc).; may also have one or more 561, or other related fields - in general we shouldn’t do anything to this field (or any related field(s)). Unless specifically working on a serial for a consortium/group effort to preserve volumes.
852 field: mainly call number (as used in Sierra)- more generally in MARC21: location
Indicators show the call number scheme (see the Full Holdings Procedures for all possibilities):
Holdings created during the Sierra migration can be blank, incorrect, or incomplete:
01 = LCC (most common)
11 = Dewey
31 = SuDoc
6_ = Monographic series shelved under separate call numbers
8_ = Other (including SCA local call numbers)
In new records, the 852 will largely consist of the call numbers in |h and |i (if needed)
852 01 |hQK355|i.F594 1998
Holding Records generated during migration of Horizon to Sierra may have a lot of odd subfields/codes in the 852 field; we’ve been leaving them in, except reformatting LC call numbers into |h and |i subfields:
852 01 |1g|2gjrnl|aUUS|bNBARN|cBARNJRNL|hQK 1 .B345
852 01 |1g|2gjrnl|aUUS|bNBARN|cBARNJRNL|hOK1|i.B345 ← like so
(Green = migration conversion subfields)
Not all call number schemes require |h & |i subfields:
|h |i are roughly equivalent to the |a and |b of bib’s 050/090
Other call number format examples:
852 31 |hC 21.5: ← SuDoc number
852 8 |hBOOK COLL 48 ← 099 local call number
852 11 |1i|2idbks|aUUS|bSPECCOLL|cSPDEWEYBKS|h350.86 |iUt13 ← Dewey Decimal
|z public note:
For Serials, we sometimes mention missing/extra issues in |z. For example:
852 01 |1o|2o|aUUS|bWHERBARIUM|cHERBARIUM|hQK1|i.B345|zsome missing issues
852 01 |hQK110|i.F55 1993|zsome volumes have multiple copies
Some holdings records may show a sublocation in |z not covered by location codes in Sierra:
852 01 |hM3|i.B992|zMusic Reference
853/863 field: the Actual Holdings
This WF will cover only the fields/subfields mostly commonly needed for NISO Level 3 Holdings
See specific examples: Reading and making edits to Holdings 853/863/866 fields
853 03 |81 |av. |i(year) - Captions & patterns
03 (most common)
|8 - is a linking subfield usually: 1
|a - the caption used for the first enumeration, usually: v.
|i - chronology usually has no caption, instead it’s usually: (year)
863 30 |81.1 |a1-200 |i1900-2000 - Holdings numbers/dates
Single volumes will have indicators: 31
multiple volumes with a dash will have: 30
|8 - linking field: usually will have 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on (unless the series enumeration changes)
|a - holds the first level of enumeration
|i - holds the first level of chronology
866 fields - textual holdings (many of our older holdings)
866 fields will use text formatting instead of the more machine-compliant 853/863 field codes, the formatting of which will vary considerably. See also examples: Reading and making edits to Holdings 853/863/866 fields
Other 8xx Fields not covered here
There are a lot more holdings fields that can be used in Holdings Records, such as special ones for supplements (not generally used in Level 3), or to detail various oddities in a serials history over time; review the Full Holdings Procedures for more information: MARC Holdings Records Full Procedures (which also covers other odd situations & numbering encountered in serials holdings).
Reading and making edits to Holdings 853/863/866 fields
853/863 for multivolume monographs:
For Serial examples, see further down, or jump directly: Holdings Record Brief Workflow | 853/863 for serials:
For 863 with no gaps, simply update the volume numbers:
Example: holdings are v. 5-9, with a new v. 10
Previous Holdings: | Updated |
853 03 |81 |av. 863 30 |81.1 |a5-9 | 853 03 |81|av. 863 30 |81.1|a5-10 |
For 863 With Gaps: with missing volumes, there will be more than one 863; with a gap subfield |wg
Example: v. 5, 7-11, with new v. 12
Last 863 should not have the |w gap subfield
Previous Holdings | Updated: |
853 03 |81 |av. 863 31 |81.1 |a5 |wg 863 30 |81.2 |a7-11
| 853 03 |81 |av. 863 31 |81.1 |a5 |wg 863 30 |81.2 |a7-12
If the new volume fills a gap, one 863 field will need to be deleted & its volume numbers merged – and all the corresponding subfield |8 numbers will need renumbering in order (1.1, 1.2. 1.3, etc.). (Many multivolume monographs will have volumes published out of order.)
Example: v. 4, 6, 8, 10-11, 13, 15-18, 23, 25; new v. 14
Single volumes will have indicators: 31
multiple volumes without gaps will have: 30
Last 863 won’t have the |w gap subfield
Previous Holdings: | Updated: |
853 03 |81|av. 863 31 |81.1|a4|wg 863 31 |81.2|a6|wg 863 31 |81.3|a8|wg 863 30 |81.4|a10-11|wg 863 31 |81.5|a13|wg 863 30 |81.6|a15-18|wg 863 31 |81.7|a23|wg 863 31 |81.8|a25
| 853 03 |81|av. 863 31 |81.1|a4|wg 863 31 |81.2|a6|wg 863 31 |81.3|a8|wg 863 30 |81.4|a10-11|wg 863 30 |81.5|a13-18|wg 863 31 |81.6|a23|wg 863 31 |81.7|a25
Or a new volume might create a gap, as in the example below:
Again, you will need to renumber the corresponding numbers in subfield |8:
Example: v.4, 6, 8, 10-11, 13-18, 23, 25, new v.1
Single volumes will have indicators: 31
multiple volumes with a dash will have: 30
Last 863 won't have |w gap subfield
Previous Holdings: | Updated and renumbered: |
853 03 |81|av. 863 31 |81.1|a4|wg 863 31 |81.2|a6|wg 863 31 |81.3|a8|wg 863 30 |81.4|a10-11|wg 863 30 |81.5|a13-18|wg 863 31 |81.6|a23|wg 863 31 |81.7|a25
853 03 |81|av. 863 31 |81.1|a1 |wg 863 31 |81.2|a4|wg 863 31 |81.3|a6|wg 863 31 |81.4|a8|wg 863 30 |81.5|a10-11|wg 863 30 |81.6|a13-18|wg 863 31 |81.7|a23|wg 863 31 |81.8|a25
853/863 for serials:
Most Subscription Serial holdings will be open ended and are generally intended to continue indefinitely.
For NISO Level 3, we do not show the individual issue numbers of serials (at least in part, because most will be bound into volumes, but also, NISO Level 4 coding is extremely complicated).
Open-endedness will usually be shown with a single dash “-“ at the end of the volumes & years, OR
in 866’s, with a dash and/or the phrase “to Date.”
If the last 863 or 866 field is open-ended, there is usually no need to edit the serial holdings record, just do a quick check of the volumes looking for gap creations or closures and if found, correct by adding or subtracting 853/863, and renumber, as needed.
Serial volumes & years –-open ended using 853/863 fields:
Example: a new volume arrives of the current year, and no sign of a gap after v.5 (1975))
with only one 863 field, no |w gap subfield is needed
Previous Holdings | Updated |
853 03 |81 |av. |i(year) 863 30 |81.1 |a5- |i1975- | no change needed |
Serial volumes & years using several 853/863 – a lot of volume gaps, with last 863 open ended:
Example: a new volume arrives of the current year, and there’s no gaps after v. 52 (1965)
Previous Holdings | Updated |
853 03 |81 |av. |i(year) 863 30 |81.1|a14-18|i1927-1931|wg 863 30 |81.2|a28-30|i1941-1943|wg 863 30 |81.3|a32-33|i1945-1946|wg 863 30 |81.4|a46-48|i1959-1961|wg 863 30 |81.5|a52-|i1965- | no change needed
Non-subscription serial (which needs a new holdings record):
We have: Vol. 1 (1900)-v.23 (1923), v.28 (1928)-v.30 (1930), and v.43 (1943)-v.54(1954)
New Holdings |
853 03 |81 |av. |i(year) 863 30 |81.1|a1-23|i1900-1923|wg 863 30 |81.2|a28-30|i1928-1930|wg 863 30 |81.3|a43-54|i1943-1954 |
A couple of serials volumes arrive from trading with another library:
Example: v. 31 (1944), v. 49 (1962)
One of the volumes fills a gap (yay!); but, several 863s will require editing, deletion, &/or renumbering.
Previous Holdings | Updated and renumbered |
853 03 |81 |av. |i(year) 863 30 |81.1|a14-18|i1927-1931|wg 863 30 |81.2|a28-30|i1941-1943|wg 863 30 |81.3|a32-33|i1945-1946|wg 863 30 |81.4|a46-48|i1959-1961|wg 863 30 |81.5|a52-|i1965- | 853 03 |81 |av. |i(year) 863 30 |81.1|a14-18|i1927-1931|wg 863 30 |81.2|a28-30|i1941-1946|wg 863 30 |81.3|a46-49|i1959-1962|wg 863 30 |81.4|a52-|i1965-
More than one type of enumeration in a serial:
Example: the serial descriptors change from “volume” to “issue”; the title also has a gap in holdings right at the caption change, but we do not know whether or not the volume/issue was published or not.
The different 853/863 fields are linked through their subfield 8 numbers:
Previous Holdings | Updated with new enumeration |
853 03 |81|av.|i(year) 863 30 |81.1|a6-8|i1981-1983|wg 863 30 |81.2|a10-22|i1985/86-1999
| 853 03 |81|av.|i(year) 853 03 |82|aissue|i(year) 863 30 |81.1|a6-8|i1981-1983|wg 863 30 |81.2|a10-22|i1985/1986-1999|wg 863 30 |82.1|a118-177|i2001-2015) |
Ordinal enumeration (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.):
We usually use (ed.) with parentheses in the 853 to show there is no caption:
853 03 |81 |a(ed.) |i(year) |
866 fields:
You can convert these to 853/863 fields, if you have the time & knowledge, with certain exceptions (see below), but if uncertain how, just update the textual holdings information as needed.
Do not convert 866 fields if:
Volumes are kept for a limited period: 866 30 |80 |aCurrent year only.
The library needs to retain detail in the 866 field (especially rare/unique serials in SCA).
For 866 fields that are kept: NISO has standards for textual punctuation and abbreviations that most of our 866 holdings texts don’t match; we've not yet decided if/when we need to update them.
Some enumeration are so complex, that the old-style textual holdings should just be kept for clarity.
Examples of 866 conversions to 853/863 fields:
Serial volumes & years—text-based & old style full level holdings, open ended
866 field, old style full level | 853/863 fields, Level 3 |
866 31 |80|aVol. 5, no. 1 (May 1949) – to date. | 853 03 |81 |av. |i(year) 863 30 |81.1 |a5- |i1949- |
Serial volumes & years—old style full level holdings, with gaps
866 field, old style full level | 853/863 fields, Level 3 |
866 31|81.1|aVol. 1, no. 2 (Mar. 1930)-v. 3, no. 4 (Dec. 1934); v. 4, no. 3 (Jun. 1935)-v. 5, no. 4 (Dec. 1936) | 853 03 |81 |av. |i(year) 863 30 |81.1 |a1-3 |i1930-1934 |wg 863 30 |81.2 |a4-5 |i1935-1936 |
Example of keeping a 866 field with full level enumeration/chronology for SCA or Beat Mag. serial:
852 11 |1i|2idbks|aUUS|bMCLIBRARY|cSPDEWEYBKS|h810.8 Ev27 866 31 |81.1|aVol 1, no. 2 (1957) - v. 2, no. 8 (1959) and v. 8, no. 34 (1964) - v. 17, no. 97 (1973), incomplete. |
Another example where keeping fuller holdings information is better:
A government document with two different call numbers and (complicated) enumeration
852 31 |h C 3.62/4: |
866 40 |80|ano.77=98th Cong.(1983:Jan./1985:Jan.)-no.85=100th Cong.(1987:Jan./1989:Jan.) |
852 31 |h C3.62/10:90/ |
866 40 |80|ano.2=103rd Cong.(1993/1995)-no.7=104th Cong.(1995/1997),no.9=106th Cong.(1999:Jan./2001)-115th Cong.(2017:Jan./2019)- |
Quality Checking
When making any edits to MARC Holdings Records; check by clicking on View; Public, and make sure they are displaying properly. If not, then check for typos or coding errors.
Counted separately from other Sierra edits.
Count as editing a Holdings Record; unless you created one from scratch
(copied directly from full procedures)
If bib record has remaining holdings (such as in a branch library):
Trigger a change in the "Date of report" 008 field (so reports can be run) by making a change in a remaining holdings record
Example: change a 866 subfield |81 to |80 or similar
Otherwise, simply delete the holdings
Other holdings record resources:
Our workflows, procedures, & training:
OCLC LHR (local holdings record) Procedures (using OCLC Browser)
Now under development: OCLC LHR procedures using WorldShare Record Manager
National and International Standards:
OCLC’s Holdings Record format & standards:OCLC-MARC local holdings format and standards
NISO Holdings Statements Standard-2006 (2011):