Holdings Record Brief Workflow

Holdings Record Brief Workflow

Created by Melanie, uploaded by Liz, and updated continuously by various.

This is a brief and simplified workflow for applying the USU’s Full Holdings Procedures. Refer to MARC Holdings Records Full Procedures, for anything not found here (or the national standards here):

Unless stated otherwise, USU Libraries use NISO standard Level 3 enumeration

The Sierra MARC Holdings Record:

When making any edits in the MARC Holdings Record; check it by clicking on View; Public, and make sure it is displaying properly. If it isn’t, then check for typos or coding errors.

Summary; c = Holdings; Record:

The Fields (a selection of the most common/useful fields):

Sierra Specific Fixed Fields (at the top of the Holdings Record)

  • Location:

    • gjrnl = BARN journals

    • gbks = BARN books (annuals, etc.)

    • iabb = SCA (formerly ABR) Beat Magazines

    • agov = Government Documents (Gov. Info.)

    • etc.

MARC Leader: #####ny 22#####3n 4500

  • To see/work on: Hover over the field, Right-click; choose Expand Field;

  • Right-click; choose Collapse field when done.

  • RECORD TYPE: y = Serial item holdings or v = for multi-volume monograph holdings

  • ENC LEVEL: 3 = Encoding Level (top level of enumeration/chronology only)

Fixed Fields 007/008

  • Hover over field, Right-click; Expand Field to check/edit codes; Collapse field after or just Save

  • 007 physical description

    • ta (print volumes) – see full procedures for other formats

  • 008: 0000005u 8 0001uaeng0110927 (fixed fields) – see full procedures for description.

  • Hover over 008 field, Right-click; choose Expand Field

  • Some of the most important codes to check:

    • R/A Stat: 4 = currently received, 5 = no longer receiving (cancelled or gift), 2 = ceased by publisher

    • GenRet: 8 = permanently retained (most); 6 = retained for limited period (i.e. current issue only)

    • Language (of captions): eng = English language captions (unless they’re not)

022 ISSN number

  • copy/paste from bib record (has been optional at USU CMS, maybe should start doing?)

035 OCLC number

  • copy/paste from bib record, if missing: 035 (OCoLC and number),

  • (OCoLC)123456789

583 1 Action field: committed to retain (+ related 561 fields)

  • At USU only used for consortia-type holdings: “committed to retain” only add if editing a serial with holdings archived by USU Libraries (as part of a consortium/group: GWLA, WEST, etc).; may also have one or more 561, or other related fields - in general we shouldn’t do anything to this field (or any related field(s)). Unless specifically working on a serial for a consortium/group effort to preserve volumes.

852 field: mainly call number (as used in Sierra)- more generally in MARC21: location

  • Indicators show the call number scheme (see the Full Holdings Procedures for all possibilities):

  • Holdings created during the Sierra migration can be blank, incorrect, or incomplete:

    • 01 = LCC (most common)

    • 11 = Dewey

    • 31 = SuDoc

    • 6_ = Monographic series shelved under separate call numbers

    • 8_ = Other (including SCA local call numbers)

  • In new records, the 852 will largely consist of the call numbers in |h and |i (if needed)

    • 852 01 |hQK355|i.F594 1998

  • Holding Records generated during migration of Horizon to Sierra may have a lot of odd subfields/codes in the 852 field; we’ve been leaving them in, except reformatting LC call numbers into |h and |i subfields:

    • 852 01 |1g|2gjrnl|aUUS|bNBARN|cBARNJRNL|hQK 1 .B345

    • 852 01 |1g|2gjrnl|aUUS|bNBARN|cBARNJRNL|hOK1|i.B345 ← like so

      • (Green = migration conversion subfields)

    • Not all call number schemes require |h & |i subfields:

      • |h |i are roughly equivalent to the |a and |b of bib’s 050/090

    • Other call number format examples:

      • 852 31 |hC 21.5: ← SuDoc number

      • 852 8 |hBOOK COLL 48 ← 099 local call number

      • 852 11 |1i|2idbks|aUUS|bSPECCOLL|cSPDEWEYBKS|h350.86 |iUt13 ← Dewey Decimal

    • |z public note:

      • For Serials, we sometimes mention missing/extra issues in |z.  For example:

        • 852 01 |1o|2o|aUUS|bWHERBARIUM|cHERBARIUM|hQK1|i.B345|zsome missing issues

        • 852 01 |hQK110|i.F55 1993|zsome volumes have multiple copies

      •  Some holdings records may show a sublocation in |z not covered by location codes in Sierra:

        • 852 01 |hM3|i.B992|zMusic Reference

853/863 field: the Actual Holdings

853 03 |81 |av. |i(year) - Captions & patterns

  • Indicators:

    • 03 (most common)

  • |8 - is a linking subfield usually: 1

  • |a - the caption used for the first enumeration, usually: v.

  • |i - chronology usually has no caption, instead it’s usually: (year)

863 30 |81.1 |a1-200 |i1900-2000 - Holdings numbers/dates

  • Indicators:

    • Single volumes will have indicators: 31

    • multiple volumes with a dash will have: 30

  • |8 - linking field: usually will have 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on (unless the series enumeration changes)

  • |a - holds the first level of enumeration

  • |i - holds the first level of chronology

866 fields - textual holdings (many of our older holdings)

Other 8xx Fields not covered here

  • There are a lot more holdings fields that can be used in Holdings Records, such as special ones for supplements (not generally used in Level 3), or to detail various oddities in a serials history over time; review the Full Holdings Procedures for more information: MARC Holdings Records Full Procedures (which also covers other odd situations & numbering encountered in serials holdings).

Reading and making edits to Holdings 853/863/866 fields

853/863 for multivolume monographs:

For 863 with no gaps, simply update the volume numbers:

  • Example: holdings are v. 5-9, with a new v. 10             

Previous Holdings:


853 03 |81 |av.

863 30 |81.1 |a5-9

853 03 |81|av.

863 30 |81.1|a5-10


For 863 With Gaps: with missing volumes, there will be more than one 863; with a gap subfield |wg

Example: v. 5, 7-11, with new v. 12

  • Last 863 should not have the |w gap subfield  

Previous Holdings


853 03 |81 |av.

863 31 |81.1 |a5 |wg    

863 30 |81.2 |a7-11


853 03 |81 |av.

863 31 |81.1 |a5 |wg    

863 30 |81.2 |a7-12



If the new volume fills a gap, one 863 field will need to be deleted & its volume numbers merged – and all the corresponding subfield |8 numbers will need renumbering in order (1.1, 1.2. 1.3, etc.). (Many multivolume monographs will have volumes published out of order.)

Example: v. 4, 6, 8, 10-11, 13, 15-18, 23, 25; new v. 14 

  • Single volumes will have indicators: 31

  • multiple volumes without gaps will have: 30

  • Last 863 won’t have the |w gap subfield

Previous Holdings:


853 03 |81|av.

863 31 |81.1|a4|wg

863 31 |81.2|a6|wg

863 31 |81.3|a8|wg

863 30 |81.4|a10-11|wg

863 31 |81.5|a13|wg

863 30 |81.6|a15-18|wg

863 31 |81.7|a23|wg

863 31 |81.8|a25


853 03 |81|av.

863 31 |81.1|a4|wg

863 31 |81.2|a6|wg

863 31 |81.3|a8|wg

863 30  |81.4|a10-11|wg

863 30 |81.5|a13-18|wg

863 31 |81.6|a23|wg

863 31 |81.7|a25



Or a new volume might create a gap, as in the example below:

  • Again, you will need to renumber the corresponding numbers in subfield |8:

Example: v.4, 6, 8, 10-11, 13-18, 23, 25, new v.1  

  • Single volumes will have indicators: 31

  • multiple volumes with a dash will have: 30

  • Last 863 won't have |w gap subfield

Previous Holdings:

Updated and renumbered:


853 03 |81|av.

863 31 |81.1|a4|wg

863 31 |81.2|a6|wg

863 31 |81.3|a8|wg

863 30 |81.4|a10-11|wg

863 30 |81.5|a13-18|wg

863 31 |81.6|a23|wg

863 31 |81.7|a25



853 03 |81|av.

863 31  |81.1|a1 |wg

863 31 |81.2|a4|wg

863 31 |81.3|a6|wg

863 31 |81.4|a8|wg

863 30 |81.5|a10-11|wg

863 30 |81.6|a13-18|wg

863 31 |81.7|a23|wg

863 31 |81.8|a25



853/863 for serials:

Most Subscription Serial holdings will be open ended and are generally intended to continue indefinitely.

  • For NISO Level 3, we do not show the individual issue numbers of serials (at least in part, because most will be bound into volumes, but also, NISO Level 4 coding is extremely complicated).

  • Open-endedness will usually be shown with a single dash “-“ at the end of the volumes & years, OR

  • in 866’s, with a dash and/or the phrase “to Date.

If the last 863 or 866 field is open-ended, there is usually no need to edit the serial holdings record, just do a quick check of the volumes looking for gap creations or closures and if found, correct by adding or subtracting 853/863, and renumber, as needed.


Serial volumes & years –-open ended using 853/863 fields:

Example: a new volume arrives of the current year, and no sign of a gap after v.5 (1975))

  • with only one 863 field, no |w gap subfield is needed

Previous Holdings


Previous Holdings


853 03 |81 |av. |i(year)

863 30 |81.1 |a5- |i1975-

no change needed


Serial volumes & years using several 853/863 – a lot of volume gaps, with last 863 open ended:

Example: a new volume arrives of the current year, and there’s no gaps after v. 52 (1965)

Previous Holdings


Previous Holdings


853 03 |81 |av. |i(year)

863 30 |81.1|a14-18|i1927-1931|wg

863 30 |81.2|a28-30|i1941-1943|wg

863 30 |81.3|a32-33|i1945-1946|wg

863 30 |81.4|a46-48|i1959-1961|wg

863 30 |81.5|a52-|i1965-

no change needed




Non-subscription serial (which needs a new holdings record):

We have: Vol. 1 (1900)-v.23 (1923), v.28 (1928)-v.30 (1930), and v.43 (1943)-v.54(1954)

New Holdings

New Holdings

853 03 |81 |av. |i(year)

863 30 |81.1|a1-23|i1900-1923|wg

863 30 |81.2|a28-30|i1928-1930|wg

863 30 |81.3|a43-54|i1943-1954


A couple of serials volumes arrive from trading with another library:

Example: v. 31 (1944), v. 49 (1962)

  • One of the volumes fills a gap (yay!); but, several 863s will require editing, deletion, &/or renumbering.

Previous Holdings

Updated and renumbered

Previous Holdings

Updated and renumbered

853 03 |81 |av. |i(year)

863 30 |81.1|a14-18|i1927-1931|wg

863 30 |81.2|a28-30|i1941-1943|wg

863 30 |81.3|a32-33|i1945-1946|wg

863 30 |81.4|a46-48|i1959-1961|wg

863 30 |81.5|a52-|i1965-

853 03 |81 |av. |i(year)

863 30 |81.1|a14-18|i1927-1931|wg

863 30 |81.2|a28-30|i1941-1946|wg

863 30 |81.3|a46-49|i1959-1962|wg

863 30 |81.4|a52-|i1965-



More than one type of enumeration in a serial:

Example: the serial descriptors change from “volume” to “issue”; the title also has a gap in holdings right at the caption change, but we do not know whether or not the volume/issue was published or not.

  • The different 853/863 fields are linked through their subfield 8 numbers:

Previous Holdings

Updated with new enumeration

Previous Holdings

Updated with new enumeration

853 03 |81|av.|i(year)

863 30 |81.1|a6-8|i1981-1983|wg

863 30 |81.2|a10-22|i1985/86-1999


853 03 |81|av.|i(year)

853 03 |82|aissue|i(year)

863 30 |81.1|a6-8|i1981-1983|wg

863 30 |81.2|a10-22|i1985/1986-1999|wg

863 30 |82.1|a118-177|i2001-2015)


Ordinal enumeration (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.):

  • We usually use (ed.) with parentheses in the 853 to show there is no caption:

853 03 |81 |a(ed.) |i(year)
863 30 |81.1 |a55th-60th |i1995-2000

866 fields:

You can convert these to 853/863 fields, if you have the time & knowledge, with certain exceptions (see below), but if uncertain how, just update the textual holdings information as needed.

Do not convert 866 fields if:

  • Volumes are kept for a limited period: 866 30 |80 |aCurrent year only.

  • The library needs to retain detail in the 866 field (especially rare/unique serials in SCA).

    • For 866 fields that are kept: NISO has standards for textual punctuation and abbreviations that most of our 866 holdings texts don’t match; we've not yet decided if/when we need to update them.

    • Some enumeration are so complex, that the old-style textual holdings should just be kept for clarity.

Examples of 866 conversions to 853/863 fields:

Serial volumes & years—text-based & old style full level holdings, open ended

866 field, old style full level

853/863 fields, Level 3

866 field, old style full level

853/863 fields, Level 3

866 31 |80|aVol. 5, no. 1 (May 1949) – to date.

853 03 |81 |av. |i(year)

863 30 |81.1 |a5- |i1949-


Serial volumes & years—old style full level holdings, with gaps

866 field, old style full level

853/863 fields, Level 3

866 field, old style full level

853/863 fields, Level 3

866 31|81.1|aVol. 1, no. 2 (Mar. 1930)-v. 3, no. 4 (Dec. 1934); v. 4, no. 3 (Jun. 1935)-v. 5, no. 4 (Dec. 1936)

853 03 |81 |av. |i(year)

863 30 |81.1 |a1-3 |i1930-1934 |wg

863 30 |81.2 |a4-5 |i1935-1936


Example of keeping a 866 field with full level enumeration/chronology for SCA or Beat Mag. serial:

852 11 |1i|2idbks|aUUS|bMCLIBRARY|cSPDEWEYBKS|h810.8 Ev27

866 31 |81.1|aVol 1, no. 2 (1957) - v. 2, no. 8 (1959) and v. 8, no. 34 (1964) - v. 17, no. 97 (1973), incomplete.

Another example where keeping fuller holdings information is better:

  • A government document with two different call numbers and (complicated) enumeration

852 31 |h C 3.62/4:

866 40 |80|ano.77=98th Cong.(1983:Jan./1985:Jan.)-no.85=100th Cong.(1987:Jan./1989:Jan.)

852 31 |h C3.62/10:90/

866 40 |80|ano.2=103rd Cong.(1993/1995)-no.7=104th Cong.(1995/1997),no.9=106th Cong.(1999:Jan./2001)-115th Cong.(2017:Jan./2019)-

Quality Checking

When making any edits to MARC Holdings Records; check by clicking on View; Public, and make sure they are displaying properly. If not, then check for typos or coding errors.


  • Counted separately from other Sierra edits.

  • Count as editing a Holdings Record; unless you created one from scratch


  • (copied directly from full procedures)

  • If bib record has remaining holdings (such as in a branch library):

    • Trigger a change in the "Date of report" 008 field (so reports can be run) by making a change in a remaining holdings record

    • Example: change a 866 subfield |81 to |80 or similar

  • Otherwise, simply delete the holdings

Other holdings record resources:

Our workflows, procedures, & training:

National and International Standards:

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