Microforms, photocopies, etc.
Extremely rough draft of procedures for cataloging microform, photocopies, etc.
- 1.1 OCLC Bibliographic Format and Guidelines for microforms, photocopies
- 1.2 Original RDA Toolkit LC-PCC interpretations
- 1.3 FDLP Guidelines for Cataloging Microfiche
- 1.4 Other excellent Guides from Yale University Library:
- 1.5 PCC Task Group on RDA Microform Reproductions Cataloging report
- 1.6 Microform Collections in Utah State University Libraries
It general, we are expected to continue following the LC-PCC PS for Facsimiles and Reproduction for the original RDA Toolkit as modified for OCLC, until the new RDA Toolkit (LRM version) has been more thoroughly field-tested for cataloging microforms and other reproductions (and given that microfilming for preservation purposes is being phased out in favor of digitization, this may not happen for a while).
OCLC Bibliographic Format and Guidelines for microforms, photocopies
OCLC Special Cataloging Guidelines: Contents: https://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/specialcataloging.html
OCLC Photocopies and Print-on-Demand Guidelines: https://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/specialcataloging.html#photocopiesandprintondemandreproductions
OCLC Microforms Guidelines:https://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/specialcataloging.html#microforms
Original RDA Toolkit LC-PCC interpretations
LC-PCC PS for Facsimiles and Reproductions:https://original.rdatoolkit.org/lcpschp1_lcps1-99044.html
Extracted copy (in case the above link is unavailable) here:
FDLP Guidelines for Cataloging Microfiche
Available here: https://www.fdlp.gov/cataloging-guidelines/bibliographic-cataloging/microfiche
Other excellent Guides from Yale University Library:
PCC Task Group on RDA Microform Reproductions Cataloging report
Download available here: https://www.loc.gov/aba/pcc/documents/RDA-Micro-TG-report.docx
Extracted document:
Microform Collections in Utah State University Libraries
A very selective list (most of which are housed in the BARN)
Periodicals/Serials/Newspapers in Microfilm
Serials makes the labels and applies barcodes
Shelved alphabetically by title.
Housed in gmic (BARN)
NB FM microfilm
We print labels and apply barcodes
Miscellaneous resources, mostly not serials/periodicals/newspapers
099 NB FM plus the next available number
Housed in gmic (BARN)
USU Theses and Dissertations on microfiche:
filed alphabetically by Author’s last name, first name
formerly cataloged as if the item was the print copy with a just a 590 note for actual fiche format
Now involved a huge theses remediation cataloging project: please stand by for future procedures…
Housed in amcbt (Microform Cabinets, near Serials Desk, 2nd floor)
Government Documents on microfiche:
086 SuDoc call numbers
Most cataloging records batchloaded via Marcive
Some cataloged one-by-one or in special batch projects
Housed in agov (Government Information in microfiche cabinets)
Sierra codes holding place:
| Location | 049 | Item Type | etc. |
Merrill-Cazier Microforms | amcbt | UUSL | 67 | Microform Cabinets, Journals and Newspaper Desk (2nd floor) |
Microform Serials and random microform (BARN) | gmic | UUSL | 67 | back issues of newspapers, some journals and other microform sets & singles |
Government Information (microfiche & card) | agov | UUSH | 67 | Largely batchloaded or batchcataloged |
SCA microforms | imicr | UUSD | 67 | SCA microforms |
American Culture Series
- 5527 in create lists
Sierra bib Material Type: a (book) --> b (microfilm)-5519
Material Type: t (ms) --> b - none
001 micro111111acs - done - 5527 bibs
--treated as variable field in Sierra
008 FormItem: blank --> a (microfilm)
--treated as variable field in Sierra
300 <--leave alone (too many diff values)
Change variable field:
r 337 unmediated|bn|2rdamedia - 25 changes
r 338 volume|bnc|2rdacarrier - 24 changes
r 337 unspecified|bz|2rdamedia - 5392
r 338 microfilm|2local - 5327
r 338 unspecified|bzu|2rdacarrier - 95
r 338 unspecified|bzu|2rdacarrier
r 337 microform|bh|2rdamedia
r 338 microfilm reel|bhd|2rdacarrier
manual fix, alas
338 Microfilm / By James F. Rusling|2local - 1
--Oh wow. that's fascinating. Is this a pattern?
--AH HA! they came from the 245 field: Title|h[microform] / author <--no |c
r 337 microform|bh|2rdamedia
r 338 microfilm reel|bhd|2rdacarrier
Narrow Create Lists search:
Add to searches:
NOT b 337|a has microform - 1 bib (fixed)
delete, then add:
NOT b 338|b has hd - 69 bibs
Microfilm]|2local <-- 23 global edits to microfilm reel|bhd|2rdacarrier
--down to 45 bibs-will do manual edits-done
Microfilm / Enos Hitchcock|2local <--a lot of these
Microfil m|2local <-- typo space
microfilms|2local <--plural - s
Microfilm.]|2local <--random period & bracket
Empty review file
HPER microfiche
-1295 in review file
Global update:
Change fixed field
Sierra Material Type: a --> b
008 FormItem: b - most already had this
300 XX sheet --> microfiche – not as necessary; didn’t do many
Change variable field
r 337 unmediated|bn|2rdamedia
r 338 volume|bnc|2rdacarrier
r 338 microfiche|2local
r 337 unspecified|bz|2rdamedia
r 338 microform|2local <--weird! but in there!
r 338 microfilm|2local <--what the heck? manually fixed
r 337 unspecified|bz|2rdamedia
r 338 unspecified|bzu|2rdacarrier
r 337 microform|bh|2rdamedia
r 338 microfiche|bhe|2rdacarrier
--uncheck "use displayed field"
--check "match whole field"
Go back to review file, and check a couple to make sure change went thru correctly
Re-run search on Create lists and
--add this limiting search: AND NOT b 338|a has microfiche
Edit any bibs that are left manually
Take off limiting search to bring all HPER back in:
add variable field:
830 0 HPER microfiche (Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Eugene, Oregon) --
batch Add prefix and postfix to stop future overlays, since some of those where for diff formats (microcard, hardcopy, etc.)
Add at beginning of field micro
Add at end of field hper
001 micro11111hper <--for HPER
Empty review file
NB FM microfilm reels
Looks like a lot of them are other university’s theses/diss
Cartographic errors AGAIN: 22 bibs in NB FM
Material Type: e --> b (microform)
MARC Leader REC TYPE: e (map) -->a (language material)
Save to reset the 008 field
check 008 for FormItem: a (microfilm) - add is missing
336 text|btxt|2rdacontent
337 microform|bh|2rdamedia
338 microfilm reel|bhd|2rdacarrier
Global edits for the rest
Sierra Material Type:
t (manuscript) --> b
a (book) -->b
Change variable field:
r 337 unmediated|bn|2rdamedia -
r 338 volume|bnc|2rdacarrier -
r 337 unspecified|bz|2rdamedia -
r 338 microfilm|2local -
r 338 unspecified|bzu|2rdacarrier
r 338 unspecified|bzu|2rdacarrier
r 337 microform|bh|2rdamedia
r 338 microfilm reel|bhd|2rdacarrier
and see what's left in there:
338 Microfilm|2local - didn't I do this one already?
338 microform|2local - and this one?
338 micrforom|2local - nifty (1 of these)
338 microfrom|2local - that almost makes sense (2 of these)
338 aperture card|bha|2rdacarrier - good heavens 2 bibs
338 microfiche|bhe|2rdacarrier - several of these
--008 codes were correct for those last two, fortunately
Manually edited - 33 bibs
Should I de-OCLC the 001, just in case? --yeah.
Delete limiter of 338|b h hd from search
Global edit: 001 micro111111nbfm
Microform miscellany
--1138 bibs
Go through and manually fix what I can,
then Remove edited bib from review file
Some of these are going to need me to actually pull the item! I’ll leave those in the review file
Cartographic errors AGAIN: 4 bibs, so far
Manually (have to change, then save Leader first to reset the 008 field)
Material Type: e --> b (microform)
MARC Leader REC TYPE: e (map) -->a (language material)
Save to reset the 008 field
check 008 for FormItem: a (microfilm) - add is missing
336 text|btxt|2rdacontent
337 microform|bh|2rdamedia
338 microfilm reel|bhd|2rdacarrier
*Disturbing amount of HPER fiche in here...
Sierra Material Type: b
001 micro11111hper
008 FormItem: b
337 microform|bh|2rdamedia
338 microfiche|bhe|2rdacarrier
830 0 HPER microfiche (Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Eugene, Oregon)
**Some ACS in here too: - pulled out into sep. file (45) and global edited
001 micro1111acs
Sierra Material Type: b
008 FormItem: a
337 microform|bh|2rdamedia
338 microfilm reel|bhd|2rdacarrier
830 0 American culture series II, Reel ,|vPart <--all missing (added globally)
001 Leave as is? for now
Sierra Material Type: b
008 FormItem: a
337 microform|bh|2rdamedia
338 microfilm reel|bhd|2rdacarrier
USU Eastern
some have no 001 to edit, but if there is one:
001 micro111uw <--There are a few that are print format bibs in OCLC
so far they’ve been all microfilm:
Sierra Material Type: b
008 FormItem: a
337 microform|bh|2rdamedia
338 microfilm reel|bhd|2rdacarrier
micro cards
337 microform|bh|2rdamedia
338 microopaque|bhg|2rdacarrier
Print and Microform on same record (monograph)
double check that there is no microform version bib in Sierra
Do not copy catalog microforms that arrived in a pocket in a book
instead add them to the book’s 300 field (like this):
300 1 volume :|billustrations, maps ;|c 28 cm +|emicrofiche in pocket.
Look for microform record on OCLC, if there is one, copy catalog, using print record as a source for checking data. Do not add 949 field, use the existing item record for the microform attached to the print record. If the item is part of a microform collection, make sure the OCLC bib matches the micro collection part (for instance, an ACS reel # & part)
Update holdings, export, and bring into Sierra
Bring up print version, select microform item record, transfer, and in new microform bib summary, click on Use Bib.
Ta da!
count as copy cataloging.
In the Create Lists Review File double check the print record is lacking the microform item, then click Remove.
--If there is no microform record…ideal would be to pull the microform and catalog it from that. Might be best for speed to leave it where it is for now. Discuss with others at meeting.
Government Info microforms that are on print bibs instead of micro
--usually have note saying “Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche.”
But all other indications on the bib record are print.
+++Discuss with Jenn – Jenn is covering these
Microform Collections (usually microform versions of manuscript collections)
Material type: p (mixed media)-->b (microform)
008 FormItem: a (microfilm) or b (microfiche)
336 text|btxt|2rdacontent <--can also add other formats
337 microform|bh|2rdamedia
338 microfilm reel|bhd|2rdacarrier
338 microfiche|bhe|2rdacarrier