Serials - Overview & index
Mavis: created most of the text; Melanie: edited & reordered 2/25/2019; uploaded: 9/2/2021; added links 10/24/2021-10/25/2021
See also: Serials Visual Workflow
CONSER: - the Bible of Serials Cataloging
CONSER Guidelines for Working with Existing Copy [Word; 45 KB]
CONSER Cataloging Manual (CCM) (links to modules for RDA- and AACR2-based updates)
PCC Provider-Neutral E-Resource Guidelines, Serials and Other Formats
Basic Serials Cataloging (rev. 2014)
Add 909 stats field
For all workflows involving bib record edits only: 909 MARC field - Statistics
SERIALS SUBSCRIPTIONS, GIFTS, ETC. - received from Serials staff
New Serial title cataloging - subscriptions, gifts, or one-time-purchase
Sierra: call up order record or Serials staff-created stubby bib records in Sierra first
OCLC: Add various fields to bib records
see: Serials - COPY CATALOGING - Full or Serials - ORIGINAL CATALOGING - Full
Descriptive information (if missing)
Subjects (if missing)
Call number
Add 909 1stname lastname ǂb yyyy-mm-dd ǂc COPY ǂd CMS STATS ǂz Serial work or
Add 909 1stname lastname ǂb yyyy-mm-dd ǂc ORIGINAL ǂd CMS STATS ǂz Serial work
SIERRA: Create/Update holdings record (Serials staff usually inputs Holdings Record before sending to CMS):
Holdings Record Brief Workflow and MARC Holdings Records Full Procedures
Add call number: 852 |h |i
Check over Serials' holdings record for coding/typos
Serials staff will usually add the item records
Serials staff will usually do the physical processing
But in certain cases, CMS will be handling item record creation and processing, especially for:
Serials which are not received on subscription (separately purchased issues, volumes; gifts, etc.)
Serials in USU branch libraries
Non-subscription serials that are part of Special Collections and Archives (such as: Beat Magazines)
Holdings Record Brief Workflow
MARC Holdings Records Full Procedures
Monographic series – usually from Serials staff
For cataloging monographic series, there are two main questions to answer; usually the Serials staff will have provided a note with decision to “cat. sep” and call number treatment on it, but these can get lost, or the item was acquired thru another unit, and the cataloger will need to figure it out.
Monographic General Workflow:
Options (always check Sierra for the same series title to look for a pointer record or look for earlier examples of individual volume records):
(a) Catalog as a serial/set – same call number [use serial cataloging workflow]
(b) Catalog individually – same call number [if monographs need to stay together]
(c) Catalog individually – unique call numbers [preferred otherwise]
→ For series cataloged as a set, create just a serial bib, items, holdings (no monograph records)
→ For series cataloged individually, create a series pointer record, AND individual monograph records
For Detailed instructions go to: Monographic Series - Workflow and Coding Guide
Title Change requests – From Serials staff
(sometimes just from printouts, see below)
Sierra: call up record in Sierra first
High priority
see: Serials - COPY CATALOGING - Full and, if needed: Serials - ORIGINAL CATALOGING - Full
Update the closed bib record (and holdings record if Serials staff hasn’t done already)
7xx linking fields
909 Melanie Shaw|b2022-06-03|cEDIT|dCMS STATS|zSerial work
Notify Serials staff if new serial call number is different
If title change was previously missed, transfer item records to correct bib record (Serials usually does)
If OCLC LH Records have poor/obsolete holdings info,
Catalog the new title, making sure the serial specific and 7xx linking fields are correct
7xx linking fields
909 1stname lastname ǂb yyyy-mm-dd ǂc COPY ǂd CMS STATS ǂz Serial work or
909 1stname lastname ǂb yyyy-mm-dd ǂc ORIGINAL ǂd CMS STATS ǂz Serial work
Overlay Serials staff’s brief bib
CDs, DVDs, and Supplements – from Serials staff)
Sierra: call up order record or Serials staff-created stubby bib records in Sierra first
Add to existing record/or catalog as new title, depending on whether:
Is it some kind of supplement to the serial?
add to existing record as supplement
Is it an actual format change of the serial?
catalog as new serial title
Has it been cataloged as a separate serial title in Sierra?
generally go with our previous decision and add it to the separate
Add special fields, including:
500, 525, 555 - to describe special issue/supplement
720 or 740 - if name of supplement important
Remember to add the appropriate 909 stats field
Beat Magazines
Catalog new titles using special procedures:
Add new issues for existing serials, including details for special issues as needed
Art Book Room (and selected Art Collection) Serials
Catalog new titles using special procedures:
Add new issues, including gift notes, items, and holdings as needed
Title Change requests – From Serials staff
(sometimes includes physical volumes from Serials staff)
High priority
see: Serials - COPY CATALOGING - Full and, if needed: Serials - ORIGINAL CATALOGING - Full
Sierra: call up order record or Serials staff-created stubby bib records in Sierra first
Update the closed bib record (and holdings record if Serials staff hasn’t)
7xx linking fields
909 Melanie Shaw|b2022-06-03|cEDIT|dCMS STATS|zSerial work
Notify Serials staff if new serial call number is different
If title change was previously missed, transfer item records to correct bib record (Serials staff usually does)
If OCLC LH Records have poor/obsolete holdings info,
Catalog the new title, making sure 7xx linking fields are correct
7xx linking fields
909 1stname lastname ǂb yyyy-mm-dd ǂc COPY ǂd CMS STATS ǂz Serial work or
909 1stname lastname ǂb yyyy-mm-dd ǂc ORIGINAL ǂd CMS STATS ǂz Serial work
Overlay Serials staff’s brief bib
Deletion requests – from Serials staff
Highest priority of printout serial work
1-Sierra: call up records in Sierra first
Look for OCLC number
Check for order record:
2-OCLC: search for bib using OCLC number
Delete OCLC holdings (if no other USU library has it)
This includes deleting OCLC LHR (local holdings records) if any
3a-Sierra: If order record is attached
Suppress bib record
Add Bib Code 3 = d (suppresses bib) and 910 field to Sierra bib
910 Withdrawn title; order attached; [your initials; date]
Delete item(s) and holdings records - usually already done by Serials staff
3b-Sierra: If no order record is attached
Delete Sierra bib, plus item and holding records (record statistics: # bibs, items, & holdings deleted)
Report number of item records deleted to Barb
Closed and Discontinued Title notices – From Serials staff
Closed serial (titles that the library has canceled, but the serials are still ongoing)
Sort Closed Titles out into their own pile and quickly search each title on Sierra and check Holdings Record to make sure there are no mislabeled Discontinued Titles in the stack.
Keep an eye out for closed title notices requiring edits:
These will have needed changes written by Serials – so treat these like Discontinued Titles:
Bring up Sierra record
Bring up the current OCLC record, and
Make sure the serial hasn’t been Discontinued (if is, skip down to Discontinued serials), if not:
Update fields in Sierra bib
Especially if written on the printout; and copy over useful serial-related fields to Sierra,
always check for 530 Also available online and 776 for online record version which will alert our librarians & patrons to alternative access to the title;
And remember to replace OCLC’s format of [space] ǂ [space] with Sierra’s | (with no spaces).
Sign your work with 909 field: 1stname lastname|byyyy-mm-dd|cEDIT|dCMS STATS|zSerial work
Update any OCLC LHRs. Full procedures here:, or, if already familiar with editing OCLC LHRs:
Find title on Sierra and copy OCLC number, then call up Sierra holdings record.
If 035 field is missing from Sierra’s holdings record; copy/paste the (OCoLC)+no and add it to the Sierra holdings record.
If you haven’t already brought up Local Holdings Maintenance: search by OCLC number on OCLC Connexion, then Tools; Launch OCLC Local Holdings Maintenance, and
Update the OCLC LHR referring to our Sierra holdings record -
In the fixed fields, always: remember to update 008 Receipt/Acquisition to 5 (not currently received)
for all fixed fields, click on + sign to open them.
then click Apply to close.
You can just edit the old 866 field text of the holdings in OCLC, or you can replace them with formatted 853/863 fields. However, when the holdings are full of gaps, it can be easier to just go ahead and upgrade to 853/863.
Finally: Replace LHR, and count all stats.
Discontinued serials (titles that the publisher has stopped producing; no more issues will be published). These require significant work. See:, or briefly:
Either: Edit/update fields in existing Sierra bibs by copy/pasting or referring to current OCLC record:
008 fixed fields date/datetype
260/264 add ending date
362 add ending date/volume or if, unformatted, statement of ceasing publication.
Add 7xx’s, especially linking fields if serial continues in online serial format
Add 909 1stname lastname|byyyy-mm-dd|cEDIT|dCMS STATS|zSerial work
Or: Overlay records with the current OCLC bib record:
Always transfer all local call 090/099 and other local fields from Sierra to the OCLC bib before overlaying
Add 909 1stname lastname ǂb yyyy-mm-dd ǂc COPY ǂd CMS STATS ǂz Serial work
And change Bib Material Type to w (print journal) after importing (except for annuals, newspapers, or multiple-volume monograph serials)
If OCLC LHR Records exist with poor/obsolete holdings info,
Update them:,
If already familiar with editing OCLC LHRs, briefly:
Open bib on Sierra and copy OCLC number, then open the Sierra holdings record.
If not done already, use OCLC number to find bib on OCLC Connexion Client,
Launch OCLC Local Holdings maintenance, and update the LHR in OCLC referring to our Sierra holdings record.
Remember to update 008 Receipt/Acquisition to 5 (not currently received) – (although this is less important to Interlibrary Loan with a dead serial, it’s still good practice).
You can just edit the old 866 field text, or you can upgrade the old 866 fields to the formatted 853/863 fields, but the latter will take a bit longer – however, very complicated holdings might as well be converted to the new 853/863 standard.
Then Replace LHR, and count stats.
Update/Change requests – from Serials staff
Update/Change requests come in regularly and are medium to high priority
Sierra: call up record in Sierra
Add/update fields;
Add 246 field for minor title change
Add 780/785 for title change linking to new title bib
Fix errors in record; changes in frequency, etc.
For major changes overlay our record with corrections from OCLC, but transfer any local fields/info to overlaying bib
If not pcc, can update OCLC bib as well to improve record for all
If OCLC LH Records exist with poor/obsolete holdings info,
you can update them:
USU Eastern Serials (Price & Blanding)
Full procedures below:
Price & Blanding Serials
Occasional; but usually in batches; often by emailed list of titles, generally:
Catalog new titles
Delete weeded titles using delete/suppress procedures
Email notification when done, or have email discussion with Price for any questions
Price Serials – usual remote workflow
Email from Price/Blanding with announcement of Serial → Carol C. creates stubby bibs + holdings record → Melanie original/copy catalogs bib on OCLC with one 949 to create generic item; then overlays stubby bib → Melanie emails Price/Blanding with title, Sierra bib-number, and call number (cc Carol C.) → Price/Blanding creates item records for their issues, applies barcodes; makes and applies labels.
Price Serials – physically present workflow
Acquisitions or Price passes Serial issues to CMS or Melanie → Melanie creates or copy catalogs bib; overlays purchase order (if any) → Melanie or Carol C. creates or updates holdings record → Melanie or helper applies barcodes; makes & applies labels (issues usually unbound) → Andrea (or backup) mails issues back to Price, sometimes Todd can hand-deliver if he has a visit to Price coming up.
Deletes usually come by email from Price or Blanding:
Check for order records (& do not delete bib if there, just suppress) → check that a USU local location doesn’t have holdings, then delete holdings (if no others held in USU) on OCLC → Delete/Suppress Sierra bib, holdings, & items (for Price/Blanding) → send email notification that deletes are finished.
Price item/holdings:
Type: 37
Location: ujrnl
Status: - (available)
049 UUS8 (remember Bib Mat Type = w)
Blanding item/holdings:
(noticed most have no items, just holdings, is this standard for Blanding?)
Major withdrawal of serials recently, possibly no longer carrying any.
Type: 37
Location: wjrnl
049 UUS9 (remember Bib Mat Type = w)
Labels: no headers; no copy numbers;
PriceBlan9 = Blank label_USU Eastern (both Price & Blanding)