RDA Quick Guide

RDA Quick Guide

Fixed fields (or 005 & 008 fields):

Rec_Type          a           Bib_Lvl            m         TypeCtrl          __        Enc_lvl              I, 4, or blank    

Desc                 i           Entrd              11930  Dat_Tp             s           Date1               (YEAR)

Date2                           Ctry                eng       Illus                 a           Audience         

Repr                 _          Cont               b          GovtPub          __        ConfPub          0

Festschr            0          Indx                1          Fiction             __        Biog    

Lang                 eng       Mod_Rec        __        Source             __       


020 _ _ 1563087723                             Check ISBN matches ISBN on book (cover, title page verso)


049 _ _ UUSA                                     Change the holding code if necessary


050 0 0 QL737 .M3 ǂb S956 2010         Check to make sure the record has a call number 050/090 field


100 1 _ Last name, First name ǂq (First name, middle), ǂd 1925-2000.

                                                            Check to make sure the heading controls – may see ǂe or ǂ4 = relator codes

                                                            Example: ǂe author


245 1 4  Main title: ǂb subtitle / ǂc Author(s) ; etc.

                                                            Information should match title page or equivalent – no abbreviation


250 _ _ xx   edition.                             As it appears on book title page or equivalent – no abbreviation


264 _ _  Place of publication : ǂb Publisher name, ǂc year of publication.

                                                            Match place of publishing, name of publisher from title page or equivalent

                                                            Year(s) in subfield c should match the fixed fields Date1(2) year(s) – may see ©

                                                            No abbreviation


300 _ _ pages : ǂb illustrations (etc.) ;ǂc height in cm.

                                                            Add if not present – check page numbers – check for any discs

                                                            No abbreviations except for dimension or duration

336 _ _  Content Type

337 _ _ Media Type                              Check for appropriate content, media, and carrier types

338 _ _  Carrier Type


490 1 _ Series title ; ǂv no. 111              If record has a 490 a 830 must be present (will be same as 490 and will control)


504 _ _ Bibliographical and index note. Include if applicable (index w/out references = 500 note NOT 504)


650 0 0 Subject heading ǂz Geographical area ǂx Subject subdivision ǂv Form subdivision.

                                                            At least one 6xx field should be present for non-literature books

                                                            Headings should control – delete all 650 fields with indicator other than “0”


830 0 _ Authorized series title ; ǂv no. 111

                                                            490 1 _ must be present – must match 490 1 _ – heading should control

907 _ _  .b31381297                             Must be added in order to overlay brief records


949 _ _  QL737 .M3 S956 2010 ǂi 39060018235837 ǂl asqr ǂt 0

                                                            Used to create an item record upon import into Sierra