Constant Data in OCLC Connexion

Constant Data in OCLC Connexion

In OCLC, there are saved templates for entering fields and information into a bibliographic record.  Constant data can be created for any element of a MARC record, including fixed and variable fields.  Constant data is used to streamline the data entry process and it is especially useful when you need to create a record for original cataloging but, it is also great for creating individual fields, for example, 590 notes for regular gift collection materials or 949s to create item records in Sierra. 


To apply constant data to a record in OCLC:


  1. Edit ----->Constant Data----->Local----->Apply Default, by Name, or from List


2. Key Ctrl + Y or Ctrl + B – to apply by default or name


Ex. Applying Constant Data by Name 


Ex. Applying Constant Data from List

When this pop-up appears you can type in the name of the constant data template you want to use or you can click OK to bring up a list of all constant data options


Fixed vs. Variable MARC Fields to Apply

  • When copy cataloging, constant data should be applied to the Variable fields and NOT the fixed fields

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