8xx - Series – Added Entry Fields (SCA)
Fields 800 through 830 are used for authorized series added entry, usually in addition to a 490 field showing the series as it appears on the item, or with a note.
800 Series Added Entry – Personal Name
The 800 field contains the name of the person responsible for every work in a series, with the title of the series being entered in a subfield t.
800 1 _ McCaffrey, Anne. ǂ t Dragonriders of Pern.
800 1 _ Shakespeare, William, ǂd 1564–1616. ǂt Works. ǂf 1984. ǂs Cambridge University Press.
810 Series Added Entry – Corporate Name
The 810 field contains the name of the corporate body responsible for every work in a series, with the title of the series given in a subfield t.
810 1 _ United States. ǂb Dept. of the Army. ǂt Field manual.
810 2 _ National Library of Australia. ǂt NLA today ; ǂv no. 1.
811 Series Added Entry – Meeting/Conference Name
The 811 field contains the name of the conference, meeting, or event, etc. responsible for every work in a series, with the title of the series in a subfield t.
811 2 _ Centennial Exhibition ǂd (1876 : ǂc Philadelphia, Pa.).
811 2 _ International Congress of Nutrition ǂn (11th : ǂd 1978 : ǂc Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). ǂt Nutrition and food science ; ǂv v. 1.
830 Series Added Entry – Uniform Title
The 830 field is where the uniform title of a series is entered for the uniform or authorized form of the series title. A 490 field containing the series statement as written on the item should be in the record along with an 830 field. For more information on series and series/title statements see the section on the 490/830 fields.
856 Electronic Location and Access
The 856 field contains information for Internet links to electronic resources pertaining to or containing the item being described, or parts of the item being described.
Delete all 856 fields that lead to anything other than the full text of the item itself. Delete links to tables of contents, summaries, publisher’s descriptions, and publisher’s homepages. 856 fields can be checked in OCLC by clicking on the URL (if correct, it will open up the web site).