7xx - Name – Added Entry (SCA)

7xx - Name – Added Entry (SCA)

The 7xx fields provide information about additional individuals, corporations, organizations, or meetings  responsible for or in some way related to the work being described that are not given in the main entry, or the subject or series added entries.  These fields allow the record to be called up when searched by the names/titles.  Because of this, these fields must be formatted in very specific and regulated ways.  They should also be controlled in OCLC whenever possible. 


The 7xx fields include:

700 _ _  Personal Name Added Entry

710 _ _  Corporate Name Added Entry

711 _ _  Meeting Name Added Entry


The indicators and subfields in each of these fields are the same as the indicators and subfields in the corresponding 1xx field.  This includes the subfield e in RDA, which is a relator code, which indicates the role of the person or entity in contributing to the content of the item – accept them if they are there but, it is not necessary to add them.

The punctuation is similar as well.


Control the headings.  Key Shift + F11 or go to the menu bar and select “Edit” and then choose “Control Headings” and click “All” or “Individual.”  If you have any questions about controlled the added entry statements, ask a cataloger.





700 1 _  Phillips, Utah.

700 1 _  Churchill, Winston, ǂc Sir, ǂd 1874–1965.



710 2 _  Berlitz Publishing Company

710 2 _  Green Party (Great Britain). ǂb Agriculture Policy Group.



711 2 _  World Sanskrit Conference ǂn (3rd : ǂd 1977 : ǂc Paris)

711 2 0  Symposium on Physical Activity and the Heart ǂd (1964 : ǂc Helsinki, Finland). ǂt Proceedings.


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