Sierra cautious batch load (Merrill-Cazier staff only)

Sierra cautious batch load (Merrill-Cazier staff only)


Bring in the file as usual with Get PC and Prep; then select the Load Table to use.

Select Use Review Files (as usual), then

Go to Maximum Records to Load, and change 10000 to 1 or 2

Do a Test load to make sure results look okay:

Then Load the record (or two).

Copy the b-number of the loaded record, and leave the load results page open.

Search the b-number in the Catalog, check all the fields, and if all looks good, go back to the load results page:

Change the Maximum Records to Load back to 10000 or whatever (needs to be higher than number of records in file). Note that the Start block is now set to a different number (since one (or two)) records have been loaded).

So, first Test, then Load the remainder of the file (or you can choose another record or two to do first, if you want to be extra cautious).

And finally, make a Create List’s Review File to double check the records.

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