Metadata migration from CONTENTdm to Preservica
System Requirements
CONTENTdm Administration
Microsoft Excel
Exporting metadata from CONTENTdm
Go to CONTENTdm Administration → Login with your credentials
Go to the “Collections” tab
Select the collection you want to export metadata from in the “Current collection” drop down list → Click on the “Change” button
Click “Export”
Click to check the “Return field names in first record → Click “Next
Right click on “export.text” → select “Save link as…” → Save .txt file to your computer (rename the file according to the collection)
Copying metadata from exported .txt file to new template
Open exported .txt file in Microsoft Excel (optional: save the file as a new Excel workbook)
Open Preservica metadata spreadsheet template (USmetadataTemplate.xlsx)
Use the CONTENTdm to Preservica Metadata Mapping to copy over content from the exported metadata spreadsheet into the new template
Title → title
Call number → not mapping (means this does not need to be transferred to new template spreadsheet)
Subject (LCSH) or Subject (Keyword) → maps to subject
Each subject must be separated into individual cells across multiple columns and NOT strung together in the same cell, separated by a semicolon
iv. Geographic locations → map to spatial
Each geographic location must be separated into individual cells across multiple columns and NOT strung together in the same cell, separated by a semicolon
v. Time periods → map to temporal
Each time period (century, decade range) must be separated into individual cells across multiple columns and NOT strung together in the same cell, separated by a semicolon
Repeat copy and paste actions for all mapped content according to the mapping document
Save the new template → rename with this format: QDC_[Name of Collection]_YYYY-MM-DD → Save to Box (Digital Stewardship Program → Digital Preservation and DAM → Preservica → Preservica Metadata → Qualified Dublin Core Metadata)