Time horizon: July 1, 2024 through June 30th 2025
Operational Goals
Goals managed by Collections & Discovery Department leadership
Revise and streamline workflows to develop greater inter-program and inter-departmental efficiencies Revise and implement work plans to guide individual work and demonstrate impact for each individual in the department Align documentation with the department structure and ensure everyone has access to the policies, procedures, and workflows developed by the department Build the department metrics aligned with the library and institutional priorities as well as the pulse metrics needed to support the work of the department Develop a framework for future-focused intentional collection development
System Goals
Goals specific to systems managed by different programs/groups
Implement Preservica as the digital preservation system of record for Utah State University Libraries Finish the RFP for the Library Services Platform (LSP) that will replace Sierra/Encore Migrate our Integrated Library System (ILS) to a selected Library Services Platform (LSP)
Department Goals
Goals themes resulting from the department spring meeting which align with USU’s strategic priorities focusing on student success
Develop formal internship program including application instructions, review, expectations, and deliverables. Include a list of current internship programs, positions, or expectations Engagement with statewide campuses and how to promote collections Identify opportunities to create a sense of belonging at USU through library collections, spaces, and outreach. Lay the groundwork for more community outreach and engagement
Digital Stewardship Goals
Identified goals and activities to be carried out this fiscal year as a program
Active Digital Stewardship Goals |
Active Digital Stewardship Goals |
Develop formal internship program including application instructions, review, expectations, and deliverables. Include a list of current internship programs, positions, or expectations Engagement with statewide campuses and how to promote collections Identify opportunities to create a sense of belonging at USU through library collections, spaces, and outreach Lay the groundwork for more community outreach and engagement
Benchmarks & Measures
| Statewide campus engagement/promoting collections | Sense of Belonging at USU | Groundwork for Community Outreach and Engagement |
| Statewide campus engagement/promoting collections | Sense of Belonging at USU | Groundwork for Community Outreach and Engagement |
Benchmarks Indicators of progress towards goals | | | |
Measures Ways to measure success based in signals | | | |
Reason for Target Why did we choose this? | | | |