Adding Top Containers
If a top container is not present or needs to be created, please consult with the Archival Cataloging Librarian who will recommend a course of action. If the creation of a top container is recommended, the process looks like this:
Click on the box (or top container item) in the hierarchy at the top of the page
Scroll down to the “Instance”
Select “Create” from the Top Container field in the Instance Record
Fill out the following fields:
Select the container profile
Common container profiles are listed under “A” - most boxes will be half or full, letter, legal, or bank sized boxes
If the container is not displaying, click on “Browse” and use the search or facets to find the box
Select the Container Type from the list (most common is “Box”)
Record the box or container number in the “Indicator”
Add the barcode
Add a Location
Click on the “Add a Location”
Search for and select the appropriate location in the Location field
Note: leave the Status as “Current” and the Start Date as the default unless otherwise instructed
Click on “Save Top Container”