Creating a Resource Record in ArchivesSpace

Creating a Resource Record in ArchivesSpace

Introduction to Resource Records

Resource Records describe archival collections. They contain all the fields necessary to make an EAD Finding Aid. You may create either single-level records or multi-level records. Single level records describe an archive on the collection level, without breaking it down into series or other components. Multi-level records include the collection description plus hierarchical components, such as series, sub-series, files, or items. These records can be used to generate various kinds of derivative records in XML, including EAD, MARCXML, and other formats.

The direction in the guide are intended to build a resource record that is going to be exported as an EAD from ArchivesSpace (ASpace) and added into Archives West (AW). This guide will help you create EAD that is compliant with the Orbis Cascade Alliance’s Best Practice guidelines. The ArchivesSpace instance has already been configured according to the Alliances documentation.

Single-Level Resource Records

To begin creating a resource record:

  1. Log into the Administrative portal of your instance of ArchivesSpace: https://usu.libraryhost.com/admin

  2. Create a New Single-Level Resource Record

    • There are two ways to create a new resource record:

      • Spawn a Resource Record from an existing Accession Record

        • This is the preferred method, so as to make sure that the Accession Record and Resource Record are linked. It will also improve the consistency of the metadata for both records.

        • Open the accession record. Click “Spawn” at the upper right and select “Resource”. This will create a new resource record with some field pre-populated from the accession record.

      • OR, Create a Resource from scratch

        • At top left, click “Create” and select “Resource”. This will create a new resource record with some field pre-populated based on the repository’s default settings.

  3. Fill out and save the Resource Record sections as noted below.

Basic Information

Fields required for compliance with Describing Archives: A Content Standard and/or the Alliance’s EAD Best Practices (Version 3.9.1) are in red.








Use the existing title as assigned in the Accession record or create a new title, as needed

DACS Section 2.3


Create a unique identifier based on local practice guidelines, Examples:




UUS_Folk Coll 067


Local standards, and DACS Section 2.1

Level of description

Select the appropriate level; usually “Collection”


Resource Type

Choose the resource type that best describes the material:

  • Collection: Material that was gathered together by a person or organization other than the one who originally created it.

  • Papers: A collection of material (can include non-paper items) created by an individual or family.

  • Publications: Published material only, like books or DVDs. If published material is mixed with other material, use one of the other options.

  • Records: Collection of material created by an office or organization in the course of regular business, e.g. “Acme University Alumni Office records.”

Related to DACS Section 2.3.19, “Nature of the Archival Unit”


Choose the language that best describes the material. Note: if more than one language is present, also use the language of Materials note (below) to specify additional language.

DACS Section 4.5


This box should be checked if the resource is going to appear on the ArchivesSpace public portal. The default is to check the box, but as we are not going to be using the public portal is doesn’t really matter and wont affect the EAD export.



Required if restrictions on usage or access to the collection exist. Leave unchecked otherwise. Details regarding restrictions should be entered into the Notes: Conditions Regarding Access & Conditions Regarding Use, described below.

DACS Section 4.1-4.4

Repository Processing Note

Local practice is just to list the year in which the collection was processed, e.g. “Processed in 2009”

Local standards


Fields required for compliance with Describing Archives: A Content Standard and/or the Alliance’s EAD Best Practices (Version 3.9.1) are in red.








Select Creation.

It is possible to add more kinds of dates to the Resource Record (such as Modified or Issued), but a Creation date must be included at minimum.

DACS Section 2.4


Optional if you fill out the Begin/End date fields. Enter the Date or Date Range.

The advantage of using this field in addition to the Begin/End fields is that you can enter free test expressions, not just normalized date integers. For example, you may enter: circa 1960 or before 1888.

Free text; see DACS Section 2.4.5-2.4.6 and 2.4.15-2.4.16


Select Single, Inclusive, or Range.

Please note: the difference between date “range” and “inclusive” is that “range” can have either a beginning date or end date OR both a beginning and end date. “Inclusive” dates must have both a beginning AND end date.

Optionally, Bulk Dates can be added in an extra date element; but at minimum, include either single or inclusive.

DACS Section 2.4.7-2.4.16


Enter the Beginning or Single date for the collection.* Use the format YYYY. This date entry must be in a “normalized” date form, for example: 1984.

Normalized dates only; see DACS Section 2.4.7-2.4.16


Required if applicable. Enter the End date. Use the format YYYY. This date entry must be in a “normalized” date form, for example: 1956.

Normalized dates only; see DACS Section 2.4.7-2.4.16


Optional. This describes the level of confidence in the date. Our default is “Approximate”

DACS Section 2.4.12, 2.4.15, 2.4.16


Describe the era of your date. Default is “ce”.



Describe the system of time. Default is “Gregorian”.


*Note regarding how to record unknown dates of creation: According to DACS 2.4.16, “if the unit being described bears no date and the institution does not wish to orr it may be misleading to record and estimated date, use undated.”

Recommended practice for ASpace is to:

(a) If possible, enter an estimated date range into the Expression field. If an estimated date would be misleading, enter “undated” in the Expression field. Either way, also do (b) and (c):

(b) Enter your best estimate of the date range in the Begin/End field, even if the date is uncertain (an entire century is a perfectly acceptable approach), AND

(c) Specify under “Certainty” that the date is approximate. Completing (b) and (c) indicated that the date is uncertain, but still allows for search and retrieval of the resource through date-based searches.


Fields required for compliance with Describing Archives: A Content Standard and/or the Alliance’s EAD Best Practices (Version 3.9.1) are in red.








Normally, select “Whole”.

It is possible to add multiple extent statements describing different types of extent within the collection, such as 15 linear feet and 3 Gigabytes. If you have more than one extent statement, select “Portion” instead.



The number of units in the extent expressed only as numerals, ex: 11.5



Choose the appropriate unit:

  • Linear Feet: Generally this measurement is used for accessions that fill whole boxes, or which are shelved individually as whole objects, such as large art objects. For resources that will be added into a collective file cabinet or box with other collections, use one of the other options below.

  • Folders: Use only if it does not fill a box on its own.

  • Volumes: Use only if the entire accession consists of bound volumes that do not need boxes for shelving, such as a donation of yearbooks. If shelves in a box, use linear feet instead.

  • Items: Use only if the entire collection consists of non-foldered/non-book items. Normally these are items that will be stored inside a box with other loose items. For items that will be shelved individuall, use linear feet.

    • Gigabytes: Use only for electronic collections.


Container Summary

This is a free-test description of how much material is there. Describe the containers that are present, for example:

1 box and 1 oversize folder

32 boxes


Physical Details

Optional. Other physical details of the material.



Optional. Dimensions of the materials described.


Finding Aid Data

Fields required for compliance with Describing Archives: A Content Standard and/or the Alliance’s EAD Best Practices (Version 3.9.1) are in red.

Note: These fields are only necessary when you are exporting an EAD guide. This section may be skipped until you are ready to export.








Enter the name of the EAD xml file. The name of the xml file follows the Archives West requirements. It should follow the format: UUS_localIdentifier.xml

When saving XML files for uploading to Archives West follow this file naming protocol with NO SPACES

  • Manuscript: UUS_mss666.xml

  • Photograph: UUS_p0666.xml

  • Folk collection: UUS_folkcoll666.xml

  • Gov Docs: UUS_gov666.xml

  • University Archives:(see documentation for further details on UA file names) UUS_6p6s1c6.xml

  • USU Eastern Collections: UUS_usuemss001.xml

Archives West EAD File Naming

EAD Location

Enter the persistent location of the finding aid within the database. The default value is: http://archiveswest.orbiscascade.org/findaid/ark:/80444/xvXXXXX

The characters XXXXX represent the unique Archival Resource Key (ARK) number, which is used only for that single finding aid. The XXXXX characters must be replaced with an ARK number prior to exporting the EAD. EAD files that lack ARK numbers will not pass submission into Archives West. Get new ARK numbers at the Archives West Utility Site, following the process outlined Alliance EAD Best Practices. Copy and paste the full URL into this field.

Alliance EAD Best Practices

Finding Aid Title

The (bibliographic) title for the finding aid associated with this Resource.

Format as: Guide to the [COLLECTION TITLE]

Example: Guide to the Acme University Alumni Office records


Finding Aid Subtitle

Optional. If applicable, add a finding aid subtitle.


Finding Aid Filing Title

This line facilitates the presentation of a list by title. Individual names should be entered in reverse order:

Example: Marsh (Sidney H.) papers

Organization names are not reversed. They should be listed in the same order as in the title.

Example: Brotherhood of Fellows records

Alliance EAD Best Practices

Finding Aid Date

Enter the year in which the finding aid was written.

DACS Section 8.1.5

Finding Aid Author

Name of person/persons who wrote the finding aid, in regular order, e.g.: Finding aid/Register created by [YOUR NAME]

DACS Section 8.1.5

Description Rules

Select from the dropdown menu:

Finding aid based on DACS (title render=”italic”>Describing Archives: A Content Standard, 2nd Edition</title>)

DACS Section 8.1.4

Language of Description

The instance hosted by the Alliance should have a preset of “Finding aid written in English.”

Alliance EAD Best Practices


Optional. This field is where grant or other specific funding can be acknowledged.


Edition Statement

Optional. Add information about the edition of the finding aid.


Series Statement

Optional. Indicate any bibliographic series to which the finding aid belongs.


Finding Aid Status

Optional. Select “Completed” from the drop-down list when the finding aid is done.


Finding Aid Note

Optional. For any other information not covered by the other finding aid data elements.


Revision Statements







Revision Date

Optional. Use this field only if the Finding Aid has been revised after initial encoding/export

Alliance EAD Best Practices

Revision Description

Optional. Enter if applicable: Finding aid revised.


Related Accessions

Link related accessions through the lookup menu. If the resource was spawned through and accession, this will already be populated. Links may be made to multiple accessions as needed.

Agent Links

Add as many Agent Links as appropriate.

Note: Add at least one “Creator” if possible. When creators are known, DACS requires you to enter them. If you need any additional help assigning agents contact the Archival Cataloging Librarian.








Select the function (creator, source, subject)

Regarding Creators, see: DACS Section 2.6


Optional. Specifies the role of the agent. Choose from the drop-down menu.

Relator terms:

MARC relators list


Select an existing Agent record, if possible. If not refer to Archival Cataloging Librarian



Add as many subjects as appropriate

To comply with the Alliances EAD Best Practices, include at least one Archives West browsing term.

Because we have an instance hosted by the Alliance, these browsing terms are already loaded.








Select an existing Subject record if possible. If not, contact the Archival Cataloging Librarian.





Notes (Scope & Contents, Abstract, etc.)

The Notes Section includes the Scope and Contents Note, Abstract Note, and other fields about the collection. To add each Note:

  1. Click on “Add note” button.

  2. Select the Type of note that you are adding (e.g. Scope and Contents)

  3. Persistent IDs field: entries in this field will be automatically created when the resource record is saved. there is no need to enter them manually.

  4. Label: Unless otherwise noted, the “Label” field should match the Note field name, or be left blank.

  5. Publish: Check this box by default. Unchecking it will supress the note from the public view of the Resource Record in ArchivesSpace.

  6. Text/Content: Follow instructions for each Note Type, below.

The Note Types that must be added to conform with the Alliance EAD Best Practices are listed in red below.

Many other note types are available and may be used as needed.

When adding hyperlinks into notes fields use the following format within the main body of text:

<extref xlink:type="simple" xlink:role="text/html" xlink:show="new" xlink:actuate="onRequest" xlink:href="[HYPERLINK]”>[NAME OF LINK]</extref>

Note Type

Label & Text/Content fields


Note Type

Label & Text/Content fields


Biographical/Historical Note

Label: Biographical Note (when describing an individual) or Historical Note (when describing a group or institution).

Content: Provide information about the individual(s) or institution that created the collection according to DACS

DACS Section 2.7

Scope and Contents

Label: Scope and Content Note

Content: Describe the nature of the materials in the collection and the activities that created them according to DACS.

DACS Section 3.1


Provide a brief summary of the collection that includes something about the content and who generated the collection.

A good summary can often be created by using the first sentence of the Biographical/Historical Note and the first sentence of the Scope and Content Note.


Conditions Governing Use

Label: Copyright

Type: Condition Governing Use

Insert the following note, while making changes to the collection title and curator:

<p>It is the responsibility of the researcher to obtain any necessary copyright clearances.</p>

<p>Permission to publish material from the [COLLECTION TITLE] must be obtained from the<extref xlink:type="simple" xlink:role="text/html" xlink:show="new" xlink:actuate="onRequest" xlink:href="https://archives.usu.edu/”>[CURATOR TITLE]</extref> and/or the Special Collections Department Head.</p>

Optional. Restriction begin/end dates

Optional. Local access restriction type

DACS Section 4.1-4.3

Condition Governing Access

Label: Restrictions

Type: Conditions Governing Access

Insert the following note if no restrictions:

No restrictions on use, except: not available through interlibrary loan.

Insert the following note if restrictions exist:

Access to some files is restricted. Not available through interlibrary loan.


Preferred Citation

Insert the following code and change collection name and number:

<p><emph render="italic">Initial Citation:</emph> [COLLECTION NAME] USU_[COLLECTION NUMBER]. Special Collections and Archives. Utah State University Merrill-Cazier Library. Logan, Utah.</p>

<p><emph render="italic">Following Citations:</emph>USU_[COLLECTION NUMBER], USUSCA.</p>


Language of Material

Use only if more than one language is present in the collection. Otherwise, the Language entry that has already been filled out in the Basic Information section is sufficient.


DACS Section 4.5


A note explaining how the collection is arranged.

Example: “This collection is arranged by topical order.”


Immediate Source of Acquisition

This element identifies the source from which the repository directly acquired the materials being described, as well as the date of acquisition, the method of acquisition and other relevant information.

This information can be taken from transfer documents such as deeds of gift.

DACS Section 5.2

Related Archival Materials (Added Value)

This element indicates the existence and location of archival materials that are closely related to the materials being described by provenance, sphere of activity, or subject matter, either in the same repository, in other repositories, or elsewhere.

If you have related materials with an existing finding aid, copy and paste the following into the text field and insert the collection name, Archives West finding aid web address, and collection call number.


[COLLECTION NAME], <extref xlink:type="simple" xlink:role="text/html" xlink:show="new" xlink:actuate="onRequest" xlink:href="[ARCHIVES WEST FINDING AID WEB ADDRESS]">[COLLECTION CALL NUMBER]</extref>

DACS Section 6.3

Existence and Location of Originals (Added Value)

This element indicates the existence, location, and availability of originals when the materials being described consist of copies and originals are not held by the same repository.


“Some originals in Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif. ; Also: 5 rolls of microfilm, correspondence from the Huntington Library ; 1 roll negative microfilm of correspondence from the University of Southern California Library ; 300 photocopies of letters from London to the MacMillan Company, originals now in the New York Public Library.”

DACS Section 6.1

Existence and Location of Copies (Added Value)

This element indicates the existence, location, and availability of copies or other reproductions of the materials being described when they are available for use in an institution, or for loan or purchase, or available electronically. Do not mention copies in private hands or copies made for personal use.

DACS Section 6.2



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