Adding Children and Siblings

Adding Children and Siblings

If you need to add components manually in ArchivesSpace. Use the following steps to make small-scale additions to collections. This will generally be used when building out finding aids to either a file or item level.

  1. Find the Resource record you want to edit in ArchivesSpace → Click ‘Edit’

  2. Select the level within which you would like to add a component to be nested. In the example below the Collection level selected is at the <c01> level.

3. In the example above you will decide what type of component you would like to add based on the nesting level. The example above is organized at the Box level. If you are simply adding an additional box, you would click on the ‘Add Sibling’ button. If you are adding folders or items to a box you would click on the ‘Add Child’ button.

4. If you click once you decided if you will be adding a child or a sibling, ArchivesSpace will open a new Archival Object form. Title and Level of Description are the only required fields, but you are welcome to add as much detail as you’d like such as Dates, Extents, and Notes.

5. Fill in whatever additional fields you deem necessary for the new Archival Object. You should at least add container instances reflecting the hierarchical organization of the object. Example: Box 1 Folder 1 Item 1.

6. You will need to link the Archival Object to the top container listed above. To do this go to the ‘Instances’ component → Click ‘Add Container Instance’ → Select what Type of materials are in the archival object, ex: ‘Mixed Materials’ → Type in the barcode to find the Top Container to link to → Add Child Type (usually Folder) and Child indicator number (Ex: 1)

7. Click ‘Save Archival Object’.

8. The collection inventory will then be updated and should look something like this.


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