Filename updates using CONTENTdm Project Client

Filename updates using CONTENTdm Project Client

Filename updates in CONTENTdm Project Client

**Important note about the CONTENTdm Project Client: changes made to metadata in this program are only saved to the computer you are using and cannot be transferred from one computer to another. In order to save changes permanently and across computers/systems, you must upload item metadata to the CONTENTdm servers and index the digital collection.**


  1. Open CONTENTdm Project Client

2. Create a new collection or open an existing project if you have worked on the collection before

a.Ā From the ā€œProjectā€ tab, select ā€œNewā€ from the drop down list OR select ā€œOpenā€

b.Ā Login using your Worldcat username and password Ā (Note: if opening a collection you have edited before you will not need to login)

i.Ā make sure the CONTENTdm Server URL is https://server16944.contentdm.oclc.org/

c.Ā Select the collection you will be working on from the dropdown list

d.Ā Click ā€œNextā€

e.Ā Give your project a name ā€“ usually an abbreviation of the full collection name is best >> Click ā€œFinishā€

f.Ā The collection is now created/open

3. Find and select items to add to your project for editing

a.Ā Go to the ā€œFind in Collectionā€ tab

b.Ā Click to ā€œBrowse Collectionā€

c.Ā You will now see a list of items in the collection

d.Ā Select items to add to your project

i. Click to ā€œSelect Allā€ >> Checkboxes next to collection items will then be checked

e.Ā Add the items to your project >> Click to ā€œAdd to Project (edit)ā€ >> the items will then be locked by you for editing so no one else can access the items

4. Go to the project tab (the name you assigned to the project when creating the new collection) >> You will now be able to access metadata for items in the collection and make edits

5. Scroll to the right to find the ā€œFilenameā€ or ā€œIdentifierā€ metadata field

6. Use the Renaming spreadsheet accompanying your collection to make the necessary edits to each itemā€™s filename/identifier in the collection - it should look similar to this example with the old file name and new file name listedĀ 

7. Once all edits have been made, select items to upload to the server

a.Ā Click to ā€œSelect Allā€ >> Checkboxes next to collection items will then be checked

b.Ā Click to ā€œUpload for Approvalā€

c.Ā Items will then load onto the CONTENTdm Servers >>Ā  You can monitor progress from options at the bottom of the screen

i.Ā To monitor progress in more detail, click ā€œshow detailsā€

8. When uploading is complete, go to CONTENTdm Administration

9. Approve the collection edits

a.Ā Click the ā€œItemsā€ tab

b.Ā Change the current collection

i. The drop down menu brings up the list of collections

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā ii.Ā Click on your collection

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā iii.Ā Click on the ā€œChangeā€ button to complete your selection

c.Ā Click ā€œApproveā€ from the menu (two options)

d.Ā Approve all items >> make sure ā€œApprove allā€ is selected >> Click ā€œGoā€

e.Ā When the approval process has been completed, you will see this message

10.Ā Ā  Index the collection

a.Ā Go to ā€œIndexā€ under the ā€œItemsā€ tab (two options)

b.Ā You will see this screen showing the last time the collection was indexed etc.

i.Ā Click ā€œindex nowā€ to make your changes save to the CONTENTdm server ā€“ this action makes your updates available for public view

*Note: The indexing process takes an average of 5 minutes to complete, but can take longer. This screen will automatically refresh and you will know the process is complete when you see the current date and time under ā€œLast index successfulā€

11.Ā Ā  Once indexing is complete, go to your updated collection on the Digital History Collections home page (https://digital.lib.usu.edu/)

12.Ā Ā  Select ā€œEnter the Collectionā€

13.Ā Ā  The browse items view will appear with a complete list of collection items

14.Ā Ā  Spot check a few of the items to make sure your changes are reflected in the filename/identifier metadata field >> Click on any item title to bring up a full view of its metadata

15.Ā Ā  If you suspect any problems, contact your supervisor and/or Metadata Librarian