Filename updates using CONTENTdm Web Interface
Login to the CONTENTdm Administration Web Interface using WorldCat/CONTENTdm username and password
2. Click on the items tab
3. Select the collection you will be editing
a. The drop down menu brings up the list of collections
b. Click on your collection
c. Click on the “Change” button to complete your selection
4. Select the “edit” option from the menu (two options)
5. Click “browse collection”
6. A list of collection items will appear >> Select an item to edit >> Click the “metadata” link for that item
7. You will now see all the fields and accompanying metadata for the item
8. Scroll down to the “Identifier” or “Filename” field >> Replace the old filename with the new one >> Click to “save changes”
9. This screen will appear after you have saved changes
a. Note: You will see the message “Index the collection to activate the changes” >> Instructions for indexing a collection (updating the collection on the CONTENTdm server) are shown in 12 and 13 and this step should be done once all items in the collection have been updated with new filenames
10. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to bring up the list of collection items to edit again
a. Note: Items you have made changes to will now appear in the main list with “locked” appearing to right of the item – this is how you can tell you have already made edits to the identifier/filename for this item
11. Continue to repeat steps 1 through 10 until you have edited each item in the collection
12. Once all edits have been made, index the collection to update the items on the CONTENTdm server >> Click “index” from the top menu bar
13. You will then see this screen >> Click “index now” to make your changes save to the CONTENTdm server – this action makes your updates available for public view
a. Note: The indexing process takes an average of 5 minutes to complete, but can take longer
14. Once indexing is complete, go to your updated collection on the Digital History Collections home page (
15. Select “Enter the Collection”
16. The browse items view will appear with a complete list of collection items
17. Spot check a few of the items to make sure your changes are reflected in the filename/identifier metadata field >> Click on any item title to bring up a full view of its metadata
18. If you suspect any problems, contact your supervisor and/or Metadata Librarian