

  1. Cut book bands in half

  2. Sort by call number order

  3. Search for books in the stacks

  4. Open Illiad

  5. Click Lending

    1. Click update stacks search results

    2. Scan transaction number

    3. Click mark found

    4. Charge box will pop up for Foreign Libraries

      1. Change cost to $35

      2. Click calculate

      3. Click charge

      4. If charge box pops up for non Foreign Libraries let staff know so the record can be changed to exempt - we do not charge libraries within the US for books

  6. Sort books by location

    1. Blue cards are Utah Universities

    2. Green cards are states that touch Utah

    3. Pink are Utah public libraries

    4. Yellow is Special Collections

    5. Purple cards

      1. Regional – any Utah library that does not have its own card

      2. Out of Region – Any state/Country that does not have its own card

  7. Click Lending

    1. Click print shipping labels

    2. Get labels from printer

  8. Open Sierra

    1. Sierra should open in checkout

      1. Scan checkout card

      2. Cancel print box that pops up

      3. Click Due slip: print

      4. Scan barcode in book

        1. Override any pop-ups

  9. Change due date for DVDs, CDs, Journals, Microfilm (NB FMs) and Special Collections

    1. Click on due date

    2. Click date in calendar that matches due date on book band

  10. Tape book band to book

    1. Highlight “in library use only” if it says yes

    2. If multiple pieces

      1. Write 1 of 4 on v. 1 if there are 4 volumes and so on

      2. Write “Disk included” on books that have disks and “Book included” on disks

  11. Labels

    1. Utah Universities do not need shipping label or return label

    2. Other FedEx libraries need return labels only

    3. Everybody else needs both shipping label and return label

  12. Sort books by FedEx Ground, 2-day, and Library Mail in the packaging room



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