Bibliographic 949 Subfield Codes
Bibliographic 949 Subfield Codes
The follow codes map data from a 949 MARC field to create an item record in Sierra.
This table was created by Cheryl Adams on 9/26/16 and modified/imported to Confluence on 9/23/21
949 Subfield | Sierra Item record Field | Notes |
a | call number |
c | copy no. |
i | barcode |
k | item status |
l | location |
m | message | This field is used to display a message to circulation staff when checking in material. |
n | internal (staff) note |
t | item type |
v | volume no. |
x | item code 1 |
z | item code 2 | Value of “n” to suppress public display of item record for some electronic records only. |
Not all load tables are programmed to use all of these 949 subfields. Please let the Integrated Systems Librarian know if you need a 949 subfield code / item record field added to a load table.