Congressional Serial Set Workflow

Congressional Serial Set Workflow

Created by Melanie Shaw

with assistance from Liz Woolcott, Kurt Meyer, & Barbara Fleming, February-March 2021

Congressional Serial Set: There are over 15,000 volumes in this set, with 11,000 volumes stored in a run under an X plus volume for call numbers.  Given the large size of the collection, Gov Info, CMS, and the Integrated Systems Librarian agreed via email in October 2020 to investigate methods for batch processing the cataloging of this collection.  The group identified a strategy for cataloging by Congresses (plus years) that will include creating a record for each year and attaching individual item records to these general records.


Tools Needed:

  • Airtable

  • Sierra

  • OCLC Connexion

Workflow Overview

A-OCLC Connexion traditional bib record creation for each Serial Set by Congress bib,

B-Copy from Airtable text of 505 field with full set of each Congress number’s titles,

C- Copy from Airtable 949 fields for item record creation,

D-Paste 505 and 949 fields to new MARC bib in OCLC Connexion,

E-Produce as new MARC record in OCLC Connexion.

F-Import into Sierra.

Full Workflow

A. Create Serial Set by Congress bibliographic records

  1. Claim a numbered Congress in Serial Set Congress Details in Airtable:

    1. https://airtable.com/tbleLGfNziZKB86G7/viwkdPCGWRcoiuYDs?blocks=hide

  2. Find details about each Congress here:

    1. https://airtable.com/tbleLGfNziZKB86G7/viwULnWYZSN0GKpqL?blocks=hide

  3. Create a new record in OCLC Connexion and apply the Constant Data named SerialSet by Congress.

  4. In the fixed fields, fill in DtSt: s & the ending year in Dates

  5. In the 245 & 246 fields, add the ordinal number from the Congress column and copy/paste its full dates for each (Copy from the Date Range column in the Congress Details tab in Airtable)

  6. In the 260 $c add the end year

  7. In the 300, add the number of volumes in the full set (found in the Number of Volumes column in the Congress Details tab)


B. Create complete 505 field of contents

  1. Go to: https://airtable.com/tbleLGfNziZKB86G7/viwULnWYZSN0GKpqL?blocks=hide

  2. Pick a numbered Congress row and Expand the Record.

    1. Scan through the group of rolled up titles (make sure to click on Show all ## Records) for each item & look for out-of-order or repeated numbers (extra copies)

      Screen shot of the linked records in Airtable
    2. Then, scroll down to the formatted 505 field; select entire text and Ctrl-C to copy.

    3. In OCLC, replace the 505 text with a right-click and PASTE UNFORMATTED to remove any coded symbols. Remove any duplicated titles (extra copies).

    4. If the 505 field has more than 80 volumes of contents, divide the contents into two (or for really large sets) three 505 fields.

      1. If Connexion highlights the text in blue after you save, do a right-click in the 505, then Uncontrol.

    5. Change the end of the 505 field’s trailing dashes to a period.

    6. From 505 field, note the first Volume number and the last volume number and put them into the 099 field.

      1. 099 X ## – X ##


C. Create 949 fields:

  1. Go to the Serial Set tab, here: https://airtable.com/tbli3nAcjIOStwagt/viwGrZw2chUozHHN6?blocks=hide

  2. The view will already have one filter in place: Where Barcode is not Empty.

  3. Duplicate the view and rename the new view something memorable like: Barcoded Items 18th 949s, or just add filters to the Barcoded view, if you prefer.

    1. Add this filter: Where Congress contains 18th

    2. And a second filter: And Present in Collection is Y

    3. And add a third filter: And Location is Serial Set

    4. Scroll to the 949 column and select all its rows and Ctrl-C to copy.

    5. Create a new field at the bottom of the bib record; then position cursor at the beginning of it and Ctrl-V

    6. OCLC Connexion should recognize each return as a new field line for each copied cell.

  4. Finally, remove either your duplicate barcoded view,***OR, if you added 3 filters to the original Barcoded Items View, remove your 3 filters, being extra sure to leave the first filter: Where Barcode is not Empty, in place when you finish.

 D. Produce the record

  1. Produce the Numbered Congress record with its full 505 field and all its 949 item fields.

 E. Load into Sierra

  1. Export the record from OCLC; then Import into Sierra, using the first load table.

 F. Fix the Material Type

  1. In Sierra, call up the new record, then change Sierra’s fixed field Material Type a (Book) to n (Government Document).

 G. Track in Airtable

  1. Track that your Congress has been cataloged by clicking in Finished Cataloging.

 H. Batch update the Item Record call number

  1. Periodically have a batch edit run to change all the 090 Item Record Call Numbers to 086. Contact the Integrated Systems Librarian to do this update

Upkeep Procedures

As more content comes in to Government Information, titles and barcodes will be added to the Airtable base for this project. The following procedures will outline the process for updating Sierra records from the information in Airtable.



  1. Government Information Librarian will regularly update the volume, Congress, title, and publication details in the Airtable base and tag entries as “To Be Barcoded” in the “Processing Status” field

  2. When new material is received, Government Information personnel will barcode items, add barcode information to the Airtable base, and change the “Processing Status” of the item to “Barcoded - ready for cataloging”. Then they will shelve the item in the stacks

  3. An Airtable automation will send monthly reports on new items received to the Catalogers

  4. Catalogers will use item information to either:

    1. Create bib records for new Congresses (using the Full Workflow process noted above)

    2. OR update existing records by

      1. Verifying the new title information is included in the 505 for the record

  5. Catalogers will add an item record with the barcode and call number for each new item received to the appropriate bib record. (Note: Government Information may receive items for multiple congresses, including ones previously cataloged. The Airtable view is grouped to highlight which Congress and item belong to.)

  6. Once the item is added and the bib has been checked, the Cataloger will change the “Processing Status” to “Fully Cataloged”

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