Purpose: These procedure will outline the process for tracking the EAD remediation project for the manuscript collections’ finding aids.
oXygen XML Editor
Airtable base (ArchivesSpace Uploading)
EAD Template and Finding Aid Clean-up document (Confluence)
Student Technician Weekly Statistics (Confluence)
Signing up for a Collection
Locate the next available collection in the Airtable base ArchivesSpace Uploading
Change the status in the column ArchivesSpace Upload Status to In Progress
Assign your name in the column Remediation by
Mark the date the collection was started in the Sign Up Date column.
Once a collection has been assigned, open the oXygen XML editor.
Open the correct xml file stored in Box, all files for the manuscript collections can be found here:
SCA Department Files → EAD → 003.2 UUS Guides Uploaded → Manuscripts → Find assigned collection
Follow the EAD Template and Finding Aid Clean Up document in Confluence.
Once the remediation has been completed for the collection, go back into the Airtable base.
Change the ArchivesSpace Upload Status from In Process to Queued
Mark the date in the Remediation Completed column.
Track your statistics based on the Student Technician Weekly Statistics. procedures. For remediation you will track the number of EAD guides edited, and the total lines of code reviewed.
You are all finished! Now repeat the process by signing up for the next collection.