GPO Pilot Project 1 Batch loading Draft
Slightly drafty second draft
Meeting notes
- 1 SUMMARY of batch cataloging process:
- 2.1 MarcEdit procedures
- 2.1.1 1-Make note of number of records during the MarcBreaking,
- 2.1.2 3-Delete 856 feild
- 2.1.3 4-Add the 590 field for project name:
- 2.1.4 5-Create the 099 field:
- 2.1.5 6-Go to here to add prefixed OCLC numbers for field 001:
- 2.1.6 7-Validate the edited file
- 2.1.7 7-Add a 909 field
- 2.1.8 8-Compile File into MARC under a different title:
- 2.2 SIERRA:
- 2.2.1 Data Exchange - as usual for MarciveGPO print load
- 2.2.2 Create Lists
- 2.2.3 Create a spreadsheet of the batch load
- 2.2.4 Edits to the loaded items:
- 2.2.5 Either, Manually Change Item record Status from - (Available) to b (Preservation)
- 2.2.6 Or, use the Global Editing steps here:
- 2.2.7 Go back to the Create List file for the item records and check a few records
- 2.1 MarcEdit procedures
- 3 OCLC Holdings Update
SUMMARY of batch cataloging process:
How do we get records?
We will have Marcive loads of both online & physical (could wait for the load)
GPO can provide SVP
GPO can post to GitHub and USU can download from there
GPO can send via email: we chose to receive the records via email.
On the same page for level of description
Draft SOP
Can catalog w pagination information
Proposing more flexibility
No PCC – people can update/edit later
USU can update if needed
GPO will provide a test batch
Method: email in MARC (.mrc) file format
CMS will edit; then batch load into Sierra
Needs 099 field with SuDoc number (first one will do) - MarcEdit Process
Needs 590 with Project Name: GPO Pilot Project 1 - World War II Temporary War-time Agencies - MarcEdit process.
Batch load using Marcive GPO Print load table in Sierra
Serials will need volumes and Holdings Records created later
Once email with attached file is received from GPO, download to computer.
MarcEdit procedures
Use MarcBreaker to convert to mrk format, then click Edit Records
1-Make note of number of records during the MarcBreaking,
Or, use field count and look at numbers given for required fields: Reports; Field Count
Field 000 (leader), Field 001, and Field 008 show that there are 38 records in the example below:
3-Delete 856 feild
Tools; Add/Delete Field
Field: 856 Field Data: [leave blank]
Delete Field
4-Add the 590 field for project name:
Tools; Add/Delete Field
Field: 590 Field Data: \\$aGPO Pilot Project 1 - World War II Temporary War-time Agencies.
It’s a good idea to check that the number added fields matches the number of records
5-Create the 099 field:
Tools; Build New Field
Pattern: =099 \\$a{086$a}
There are two spaces exactly between the =099 and \\$a
086$a is enclosed in curly brackets (meaning: “look for this”)
The Build New Fields utility will find the first 086 field, then copy the text from its subfield a to the new 099 field:
6-Go to here to add prefixed OCLC numbers for field 001:
Then continue onward:
7-Validate the edited file
Reports; MARCValidator
Fix any errors, if any are found
7-Add a 909 field
Fill in [bracketed info] with correct data
Field: 909 Data: \\$a [FIRSTNAME LASTNAME] $b [YYYY-MM-DD] $e MODIFIED $d CMS STATS or GOV INFO STATS $z GPO Pilot Project 1
\\$a Jane Doe $b2023-09-19 $e MODIFIED $d GOV INFO STATS $z GPO Pilot Project 1
8-Compile File into MARC under a different title:
For example: GPOpilotproject1-Serials-09192023_all
Data Exchange - as usual for MarciveGPO print load
Navigate to file
Prep - make sure number in Prep matches number of records
Use BATCH LOAD Marcive PRINT GPO load table
Checkmark: Use Review Files
Test, then if all looks good, Load
Make sure number of records is matching expected number of bibs in file. If any titles fail to load, search their titles to see why (often they are duplicates of records already in Sierra).
Note your stats
Create Lists
Go to Create Lists, then click Copy
Find your file (which will have this basic form):
Load: Inserted records for GPOpilotproject1-Serials-09222022_all.mrc (b) (10-04-2022)
Review file type
Batch file name
Create a spreadsheet of the batch load
Use Create lists to extract spreadsheet for use in processing the print items (arriving later).
Click on Export Records; then Apply Saved Export.
Select: GPOmarciveload (click on Export Name heading to make it easier to find).
Browse to the Desktop and give the future file a name; OK.
Open Excel, navigate to the text file, choose Delimited, and use the delimiter of Other: ^ while opening the file; dress it up and save as Excel Workbook.
Edits to the loaded items:
Each will need the Available status changed to b (Preservation) which we will use as we wait for the physical volumes to be sent back to us.
If physical items have been shipped to us already, skip this step and go to the next: OCLC Holdings Update
Either, Manually Change Item record Status from - (Available) to b (Preservation)
You can just change each item by opening the Create List
Load: inserted files for GPOpilotproject…etc. (instead of doing the Global edit, below).
b stands for bindery (but in our case, GPO hasn’t yet sent the volumes back to us)
Or, use the Global Editing steps here:
1-Select a Clear UNUSED Create Lists line - do not use someone else's or your own bib load file
Remember your bib file name LOAD: inserted files for GPOpilotproject1…etc.
Then, make a Create Lists Review file of Item records for the same thesis year
Remember to select a clear Create List line, rather than overwriting the loaded bib records list
Search Records
Change Store Record Type to Item i:
Select Review in dropdown
Select the Review file Name (for your bibliographic load)
Type in a name for the new item list, such as: GPOpilotproject1-name-09222022_37items
Click Search to Create the review file.
2-Global Edit to Item - use extreme caution!
In FUNCTION: chose Global Update
Select record type = Item
Remember to deselect Bibliographic
Find your Review file name for item records - be careful not to select someone else’s file
Click Search:
which will bring in the file;
if you didn’t deselect Bibliographic, you will see several lines, stop, go back and redo the steps, or you might mess up more than you want to.
Item records will bunch up into a single line:
Click on Command input; Add
Choose: Change fixed-length field
Select these values:
Fixed-length field: 88 Status
Find: - Available
select: Validate field
Replace: b Preservation
Click OK
Click on Preview (this is an extremely important check point)
Check all the way down the list
Is it making the correct change? Is it corrupting something?:
Go all the way down to the bottom!
If all looks well, then click Process:
Are you sure?? – if so click Yes
Go back to the Create List file for the item records and check a few records
Stats are counted only if the Global Update of item records is done separately from the rest of the Batch Load Workflow, otherwise, it will covered as part of the number of records of the batch load (modified).
If counting, the number of items globally changed will be counted as Sierra bib/item Edits.
OCLC Holdings Update
Use the spreadsheet exported from the Sierra batch load;
Open as Delimited; with the Separator as Other: ^ (circumflex)
OCLC Number edits:
There will be some multiple entries for records that have been merged by OCLC in the past
To separate them; select the column by clicking on its letter in Excel; Data tab; Text to Columns;
Select Delimited; then click Next
Space; Next
Text; Next
Use the first Column as the canonical OCLC# (it will be the most current number)
Remove (OCoLC) and replace with * (asterisk)
Find: (OCoLC)
Replace: *
Copy the entire set of *OCLC numbers for searching.
See also:
Currently, you must log in through the Batch menu in OCLC Connexion
Due warning: OCLC Connexion batch functions often experience sudden changes
Batch; Enter Bibliographic Search Keys
click on Local File Manager
click on Authorization; then sign in with number and password
Close Local File Manager window; click Save, then Close.
Now go to Batch; Holdings by OCLC Number; and skipping the header, Copy & Paste all *OCLC numbers (asterisk plus OCLC number) into the text box to the left:
Click on Update Holdings only.
Then OK.
A Batch Holdings Report will open with a list of the records.
Scroll down to the end of the report to check for errors:
Usually these are records which already have our holdings set and need no further action.
If any show as “Transaction failed” copy the OCLC Control #(s) and search it individually to see what was the problem. Usually its holdings can be manually updated.
If there are more than one error on the report (very rare), copy all their OCLC #s to a text file, and go through each one to manually update holdings in OCLC.
Record number of bib records loaded as modified batch loading in statistics.
Record file name and numbers in Government Information/CMS shared Airtable base: Batch Load Tracking.
Go back to Spreadsheet and save as Excel Workbook under a useful title, such as:
Then send as email attachment to Government Information cataloging staff and head.