Software Tools Available

Software Tools Available

Many software tools are offered to employees to assist them in their work. Some of these packages are paid for by USU, while the Library or the Unit pays for others. While we do want to remain flexible and innovative in our approach toward new software, it is most cost-effective to use what we have or request a license be purchased to allow for bulk purchases.

Please review the existing software options below.

  1. Review our existing software options to see if the software we are currently using works for your needs. (If you do not have an AirTable license, please have your supervisor give you a list of the software.)

  2. If you still need different software, check if the end user license agreement (EULA) allows for educational use. The software listed has been reviewed through the legal document review process.

  3. Submit a new software license request. This will be reviewed by the personnel involved in that decision-making process. (Any new software must also go through the EULA document review process.)



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