Mail gathering and sorting

Mail gathering and sorting

All of RSDD mail to eventually process items being shipped to us. If you need to go to the mail room to gather our mail start with step 1, if the mail was brought up to us start at step 2.


  1. Checking mail room for mail.  Items to look for on the boxes that indicate they are ours: 

    1. University Mailing code numbers- 3045 and 3070  

    2. Interlibrary Services/Loan, ILL, ILS department  

    3. RSDD, Resource Sharing and Document Delivery 

    4. Rm 234 

    5. Distance Education Library Services or Distance Library Services 

    6. Carol Kochan 

  2. Opening and Sorting mail.  Carefully open each package so as not to damage the contents. When sorting borrowing, lending, distance and items shipped to us by mistake, identify by the following: 

    1. Borrowing Items (Receives)  

      1. “LOANED TO UUS or Utah State Univ.” indicated on the paperwork,  

      2. Book belongs to another library. 

      3. All borrowing Receives will be put on the student “Pulling” desk for processing

    2. Lending items (lending returns)

      1. Books from our library - usually have Utah State Univ. stamped on the outside pages and our barcode inside.   

      2. Our book band may also be on the book, with Utah State University bordering the left side. 

      3. All lending items go on the Lending Return Cart- little black cart. 

        1. for Processing instructions: https://usulibrary.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CS/pages/1398571086

    3. Items shipped to us by mistake -belongs to another library AND are “LOANED TO” another library that will be indicated on the paperwork. 

      1. All shipped by mistake items give to a supervisor  

    4. Distance items: Books sent out to our distance patrons 

      1. USU library books with our Document Delivery book bands 

        1. Give to Kathy  

      2. Other libraries' books- has DISCUP, or CUB on the book band  

        1. Give to Bianca 

    5. Be Thorough.  Make sure to double check inside all packages and all padding inside any packages for any items that may be hiding. 

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