Starting with the Apple Sonoma OS, a new feature called Reactions fills your video frame with a 3D effect expressing how you feel. This feature is automatically enabled and will display when using a video call. You can disable this feature through FaceTime.
\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions
On Mac OS Sonoma:
Open FaceTime.
Click the Video menu in the menu bar, represented by a green and white camera icon.
Click “Reactions” to turn them off.
There are 8 possible reactions you can use.
👍🏻 Pop a single thumbs-up, and you’ll see the bubble reaction.
👎🏻 Not a fan? Give it a thumbs-down
🫶🏻 Show your love with the heart hand gesture, and you’ll see hearts erupt from your hands.
✌🏼 Fire up the peace sign, and balloons will rise from the bottom of the screen.
✌🏼✌🏼 Want to go one further than balloons? Throw up a double peace sign, and confetti will fire onto the screen.
👎🏻👎🏻 A double thumbs-down will cause the screen to darken and rain to fall around you.
👍🏻👍🏻 A double thumbs-up will cause a whole firework display to appear behind you.
🤘🏼🤘🏼 Show the double horns and a full-blown laser party will pop up.
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