Connexion Browser Editing Guide
Melanie Shaw
The Editing Bibliographic Record dropdown is used for edits that are run on the entire record
(dropdown is just above the top of the record).
Useful Editing Bibliographic Record commands:
Control All Headings at once in the bibliographic record (except for unqualified names).
Constant Data: Apply CD By Name or Apply CD From List (this acesses our online constant data).
Cancel Changes: undo all changes
Unedit Record: just undo edits
Validate Record: best done right before Produce and Export in MARC after all edits are finished.
Click inside a field for direct edits to the contents of the field. The dollar symbol, $ is used for subfield delimiters. Blue highlighted characters are hotlinks.
Another set of useful edit commands are found at the end of each field in the record in the Functions dropdown menu:
Add, delete, or copy, entire field(s).
Help in the Function dropdown menu opens a window to OCLC’s MARC field guide, OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards, for that field.
If the field is authority controlled, the Functions commands will also include the ability to link that field to the Authority Record by using the Control Heading command:
Other useful Function commands:
Add Single Field Below: a blank field will appear below, just type over the field number and add text (see also another method, below)
Add Multiple Fields: multiple fields will appear below.
Copy Field
Cut Field
Delete Field: for deleting the entire field.
Delete Text: just the text.
Paste Field: paste in a cut or copied field.
In addition, at the bottom of the record are three empty fields where you can simply type in new fields:
When finished editing, you will need to use the Action dropdown menu to complete processing the record.
Useful Action commands:
Save Record
When saving a record you will need to fill in its status (in process, or finished), then choose Save;
After saving a record, it will be temporarily locked,
To continue editing the saved record, use the Edit dropdown to choose: Edit Record.
To retrieve a previously saved record, click on the blue WorldCat dropdown, and chose Save File:
Clicking on Search in the Save File Search screen without any search terms brings up our entire list of online saved records.
Update (or Produce) Holdings:
Updates the master record to show that USU has holdings.
Export Record in MARC
The export file will be loaded on the online Connexion Browser server; you will still need to download the file to your computer, using the General tab dropdowns (see below).
Clicking on Export Record in MARC in the Action menu is only the first step to getting the record into Sierra.
Click on the General tab, then the Admin Options dropdown, and choose Download Export Files.
A list of your export files on the Connexion Server will open with Not Downloaded on your current file.
Select your file by clicking in the select box next to it, and click Download.
The file will be loaded in your regular Download file on your Desktop & you can move it to your desktop or another file for easy retrieval, if needed, for easy import into Sierra.
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