Local Holdings Maintenance – Connexion – Manual Procedure
M. Molto – 9/2/10, rev. 2/11/15; posted with minor edits: 11/16/2021; continued edits thereafter
For serial tiles that we have closed, we may need to update or create an OCLC Local Holdings Maintenance Record. If we are already in the bibliographic record in OCLC Connexion Client, it is fairly easy to open the OCLC Browser to do so (however, the user will need to have the authorization to make changes in LHRs).
Find the serial holdings record in Sierra
Search for the serial title or bib-number in Sierra & verify it is the correct record by double checking bib number, closed status in Holdings, etc.
Copy the OCLC number to search in OCLC
Display the Holdings record in Sierra
Locate record in OCLC Connexion Client
1. Search by OCLC#
Either #, *, or “no” will work as a prefix to search in the Command Line Search
2. Tools; Launch Local Holdings Maintenance
3. This will open OCLC Connexion Browser on the Web with a new window
4. If you have several LHRs to do, subsequent searches can be run directly in OCLC Browser without going back to the Client
If there is no Local Holdings Record in OCLC, the bibliographic record will be displayed instead…
In that case, go to Add holdings record to OCLC below
If there is a Local Holdings Record in OCLC, go to Edit holdings record in OCLC
Add holdings record to OCLC
In OCLC Browser: Action; Create Local Holdings
Edit: Apply constant data from list
or create from scratch
Enter data:
To add new fields, click on Functions; Add Single Fields or Add Multiple Fields
To edit/update fixed fields, click on the + symbol to the left of the field (which will expand the field)
To close fixed fields: Apply or if opened by mistake: Cancel
008 field.
Change Receipt or Acquisition from: 4 to 5 (not currently received):
Fix 007 field codes:
Category: z to t (text)
Material Designation: u to a (print)
Or, if monograph: x (single part item) - rare, haven’t needed to use this yet
c. Add 853/863 fields, using our Sierra holdings record as a guide; leave Summary as: Local Holdings Available
4. Edit; Validate record
5. Action; Add record
Sample created LHR:
Edit holdings record in OCLC
In OCLC Browser: View; Display Local Holdings
Or, if two OCLC Holdings Records, choose the one that we have closed:
Make sure Edit is set to: Editing local holdings record; if it isn’t to the Edit menu; select Editing local holdings record.
To edit fixed fields, click on the + symbol to the left of the field (which will expand the field)
A lot of our LHR will have obsolete/old formatting: we can update the fixed fields and 007 and reformat the 866 fields to 853/863 (Optional) or we can just update the minimum (Required, unless you wish to update to 853/863) as outlined here.
To edit/update fixed fields, click on the + symbol to the left of the field (which will expand the field)
To close fixed fields: Apply or if opened by mistake: Cancel
008 field.
Required: change Receipt or Acquisition from: 4 to 5 (not currently received):
Fix 007 field codes - Strongly suggested
Category: z to t (text)
Material Designation: u to a (print)
Mandatory: change 008 Receipt or acquisition [06] to 5 - Not currently received:
Optional: change 866 to 853/863, using the open Holdings Record for the journal in Sierra as a guide; then change Summary from the textual summary (delete the old 866 field) matching the old 866 to this phrase: Local Holdings Available
e. However, if not updating to 853/863, then it is Required to update the text version in field 866 to current holdings as best as possible based on what is listed in Sierra’s holdings record/and or item records (and it may be easier to simply update to the LHR the current 853/863 standard).
Edit; Validate record: and typos or if problems come up; edit them; then Validate again.
Action: Replace record; click Yes when asked if you are sure.
Delete holdings record in OCLC
View: Display local holdings
Action: Delete local holdings
Create local holdings constant data in OCLC
Search: OCLC: LH constant data
Create options: LH constant data
Enter fields
Action: Save constant data record
Constant data name: [enter name]
Counting holdings
Enter in FirstSearch catalog command search box:
li:uus (small ell + i) | = 694,582 total | 756,813 | |
l4: uus (small ell + 4) | = 13,473 serials | 21,562 | [27 are books] |
= 19,828 [7/17/14]
Examples in and not in OCLC
1. American libraries - #00854299 – LHM holdings record on OCLC
2. Sunstone - #2401028 – two LH Records in OCLC
3. NYSE magazine - #46920320 – new – no LHM holdings in UUS
4. Human-wildlife interactions monograph - #647997167 – new – no holdings