Coding Web Logs for CONTENTdm Digital Collections
Facet Coding
Search facets are available to users searching for resources in Utah State University’s Digital History Collections
In Airtable >> Open Discoverability_CDM_2022 base
Open the Facet Results tab >> go to the “Assigning Facet Type” View
Columns present and definition
Facet ID - Identifier created from the assigned temp id and the day the data was pulled
Temp ID - Identified assigned to each set of facet results
Order - the order of facets shown on a web page
Coder - the person responsible for coding the line a data
Facet field - single-select choice of category (or field) for the facet -
for each search conducted in CONTENTdm, users will see a list of relevant search results based on their search terms - on each page users will see search facet links that can be clicked on to narrow results based on the facet type - the number and order of facets present on a web page will vary depending on the search
Title - the facet shown on the web page to users after conducting a search, includes the number of items with the same subject, date, type, etc. in parenthesis (e.g. old ephraim (bear) (41), 2012-09-10 (11), Image (204) )
Original URL - link to the web page shown as a result of a user search which reflects digital collection search results as well as facets visible to users
Day - the number of day that the user search results were pulled from Google Analytics
Title URL (can be hidden - no need to code for this column)
Replace Spaces (can be hidden - no need to code for this column)
Remove pre-pend (can be hidden - no need to code for this column)
Link to Data Pulls (can be hidden - no need to code for this column)
Coding instructions (when in doubt with any of the coding questions contact the Andrea P. with any questions)
Coder column
Select your name from the drop-down list for each line you code
Facet field column
Select the corresponding type of facet present (seen in the title column) from the drop-down list
Drop-down list choices and examples
Subject (LCSH) - e.g. newton (utah) -- history (16), grizzly bear -- cache valley (utah and idaho) -- folklore (9)
Date (Original, ISO, Search, etc.) - e.g. 1971-01-26 (22), 1890-1940 (10)
Date Digital - e.g. 2019-03-12 (12)
Type - e.g. Image, StillImage, Text, Sound
Creator - e.g. toelken, barre, 1935- (974)
Geographic - e.g. tokyo, shinjuku, japan, (36)
Title - e.g. alcatraz prison, 1940 (1), alfred erickson and an unidentified man in uniform standing on a dock near the ocean, 1940s (1)
Time Period - e.g. 1930-1939, 20th century
Medium - e.g. photographs (351), cyanotypes (40)
Subject (Keyword) - e.g.
Format - e.g. image/jpeg (788), application/pdf (62)
Contributors - e.g. williams, randy, 1961- (8)
Building - exclusive to the Compton Studio collection - e.g. baker mine (baker canyon, box elder county, utah) (20), brigham sugar factory (brigham city, utah) (8)
When in doubt >> click on the corresponding link in the Original URL column to view the actual facets visible to users on the digital collection web page and this will show you what facet type to choose
If the facet type on the web page isn’t listed in the Airtable drop-down list go ahead and add it as an additional option
Known issues
Errors in the Order column
Occasionally you may notice that the order needs to be adjusted - if you notice that the facet type and order do not match up (can be confirmed by clicking on the corresponding link in the Original URL column) then please adjust the order numbers so they are correct
Creator vs. Contributor
For photographs and images creators are usually who took the photo (photographers) if known
Often with folklore and oral history collections you will see facet types for different roles for people responsible for collection content (i.e. photographer, interviewer, recordist)
For interviews creators should be the person being interviewed (interviewee)
contributors include interviewers, recordists, photographers, transcriptionists