Local Holdings Maintenance – Connexion – Manual Procedure
Either #, *, or no: will work as a prefix to search in the Command Line Search
2. Make sure bib record is for the correct title; then: Tools; Launch Local Holdings Maintenance
In OCLC Browser: View; Display Local Holdings
If there is no Local Holdings Record its Bibliographic Record will be displayed instead. In that case, go to Create Holdings Record in OCLC: https://usulibrary.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ULC/pages/1424424961/OCLC+LHR+%28local+holdings+record%29+Procedures#Create-holdings-record-in-OCLC
If more than one OCLC Holdings Record is listed, check each one for needed edits. The call number will be visible in the list under the Data column as shown below:
Once the LH Record is open, make sure Edit is set to: Editing local holdings record; if it isn’t, click on the Edit dropdown menu; select Editing local holdings record, or make sure you are using the correct OCLC authorization.
A lot of our LHR will have the old 866 fields formatting:
we can update the fixed fields and 007 and reformat the 866 fields to 853/863 as shown below
or we can just edit the volumes/dates in the 866 to match what we now own.
just so long as the LHR shows our correct holdings.
Summary field:
Should say: Local holdings available
Fixed fields editing:
To edit/update fixed fields, click on the + symbol to the left of the field (which will expand the field)
To close fixed fields: Apply or if no changes are needed: Cancel
Fix 007 field codes - Optional, but useful - many will have unhelpful z and u (Unspecified) codes:
For a print journal
Category: t (text) for a Print Journal
Specific Material Designation: a (print)
For a serial on microfiche:
Category: h (microform)
Specific Material Designation: e (microfiche)
For a journal or newspaper on microfilm reels:
Category: h (microform)
Material Designation: d (microfilm)
Mandatory for closed titles: Change 008 field’s Receipt or acquisition code from 4 to 5 - Not currently received:
Variable Fields Editing:
Manditory: Edit the holdings in the LHR to match the volumes/years held in our Sierra Holdings Record.
Optional: change 866 field(s) to 853/863 fields, using the open Sierra Holdings Record as a guide; then change the Summary field at the top, to this phrase: Local Holdings Available - then delete the old 866 field.
Or, edit the 866 field text version to current holdings as best as possible based on Sierra’s holdings record/and or item records.
Note |
Note |
4-b. For large numbers of 863 fields, Excel can be used a batch editor (using Find and Replace) to replace|with [space]$x[space], (where x represents each subfield code and [space] is a single typed space), as shown below. Each holdings' text must be pasted one-by-one into OCLC’s field. Sierra |
In OCLC Browser: Action; Create Local Holdings
Either Apply constant data from list
OR, create from scratch, as below:
Enter data:
To add new fields, click on Functions; Add Single Fields or Add Multiple Fields
To edit/update fixed fields, click on the + symbol to the left of the field (to expand the field)
To close fixed fields: Apply or if opened by mistake: Cancel
Leader: if creating from scratch, Change Encoding level from u (Unknown) to 3 (Level 3):
008 field.
Check or Change Receipt or Acquisition: 4 (currently received) or 5 (if not currently received):
Fix 007 field codes:
Category: z to t (text)
Material Designation: u to a (print)
Or, if monograph: x (single part item) - rare, haven’t needed to use this yet
c. Copy over 035 (OCoLC) number.
d. Add 853/863 fields, using our Sierra holdings record as a guide; leave or change to Summary as: Local Holdings Available
Note |
* For large numbers of 863 fields, Excel can be used a batch editor (using Find and Replace) to replace|with [space]$x[space], (where x represents each subfield code and [space] is a single blank space), as below. Each holdings' text must be pasted one-by-one into OCLC’s field. |