Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Weekly record files are downloaded from OCLC Worldshare Collection Manager

  1. Log in here:

  1. Metadata --> My Files --> Downloads

  1. Be extremely careful when downloading:

    1. Download ONLY the files of with OReillyOnlineForCheryl at the end:

      1. metacoll.UUS.deletes.W20230922.T104438.OReillyOnlineForCheryl.1.mrc


    2. These may include 4 file types: deletes, new, merges, updates)

CAUTION: If you accidentally click Download for a non-OReilly file, OCLC WS will remove it from the My Files list for everybody in THE USU library, and you will need to email the file to Tyler in Acquisitions.

  • Files appended with MerrillCazierApproval, Price, or with FIRM in the middle, should ONLY be downloaded by the designated Acquisitions staff

  1. Go ahead and download the OReilly merges and updates files, but don’t load (they don’t work well) just add names to tracking, and then delete them from your computer 

    1. Process & load just the deletes and new files

  1. We use two different load tables for delete and new files

  1. Order of loadingSafari Online OReilly is as usual, important, but is different than most:

  • Always load Delete file first (see processing workflow below)

  • Load New file second(see separate processing workflow below)

  • Load each week's Delete & New before loading other dated files from O’Reilly; do not load weekly files out-of-order

  1. In the tracker, copy/paste each file name, in order, to help keep the processing/loading order clear:

  • It will be easier to keep loading order if the files are downloaded and processed each week (unlike the my backlog shwon above) – but files can be done late if so long as you keep to the date order

  1. OCLC WorldShare will keep about 2-3 weeks of files, so an alternate will need do the O’Reilly downloads (at the least) for prolonged leave times (or you can download them remotely for working on later)


Make sure Delete file is loaded first; then New

Processing Delete File

  1. MarcEditing for 001

  • Find: =001 o <--with the usual 2 blank spaces

  • Replace: =001 safario

  • Save

  • Since this file is going to Overlay, do a quick Find all

    • =001 (for QC)

add prefix safari

  • Compile into MARC with same name + DONE

or without, if you prefer

  1. load with CAUTION Special use for overlay and delete (.overlaytodelete) load table

  • Select Use Review Files

  • Test (rejected records will have been already deleted)

  • then Load (the records that were not rejected will overlay the Sierra records)

  1. Make a review file in Create Lists: Copy-->[find load file], then export selected fields to make sure there are no purchased titles in the delete record, before Deleting:

    1. Export Records from Create Lists Load review file: 

    2. item location (79)

    3. order record number (81)

    4. bib MARC (! 830)

    5. bib MARC (! 910)

  1. Open in Excell and check values:

  • item location: should be cosaf

  • order record number: (should be blank-no orders)

  • bib record 830 fields: should have bothSafari Books Online and O'Reilly for Higher Education (may also have regular series titles in there as well)

  • 910 in bib record should be empty

  • If no signs of purchase/order is found, go on to Deleting

  1. use FUNCTION-->Delete Records to batch delete the file

  • Left dropdown: Review

  • Review File: CreateLists Load for Deletes file

  • Start, to bring in Records

    • Scroll down to check number of records (minus no match) is correct

    • Delete the listed Bibliographic record AND all attached records

  • Delete Records

    • Are you very sure?

      • Yes

  1. Clean up Data Exchange; Create Lists review file will disappear on its own

  2. finish Recording

  3. Take down statistics (number deleted)


II-MarcEditing for New files

Unicode: UTF8

  1. edit 001

  • Find/Replace

  • Find: =001 o (2 spaces between 1 & o)

  • Replace: =001 safario

  • Replace All

QC: number modified should match number of records

add prefix safari

  1. While learning, it’s a good idea to do another find to check that the replace didn’t deform the 001 field

  • Find All =001

  • scroll down

I like to Save between edits

  • Edit prepend to our new prepend

  • Find/Replace

old prepend:


there’s no other place in the bib that these combinations could be found, so it’s safe to just do a straightforward find/replace

  • copy/paste old into Find:

=856 40$u

  • copy/paste new into Replace:

=856 40$u

QC: same number modified as number of records

QC: do a Find All on =856 to check all went well, if desired

  1. edit subfield data - 856|z

  • Field: 856 Subfield: z

  • make sure Delete Subfield is checked

  • Remove Text

  • It will ask if you are sure

  • Yes

Doing both step 4 & 5 as one step tends to mess up the 856 structure in Edit Subfield Data, so I do them separately

delete supplied |z

  1. Edit Subfield Data

  • Field: 856 Subfield: z

  • Replace with: [updated text]

  • New subfield only

  • Replace Text

  • Save

Available online; click to view. Select “Institution not listed” and enter your USU email address.

Do a Find All for 856, if desired

  1. delete fields:

  • Add/Delete Field







949 - important! (We need to replace any with our version)


  1. Find all and delete if needed

  • Find: =###

  • If found, then

  • Add/Delete Field tool

    • Delete Field






830 Edits

  1. add 830 field

  • Add/Delete Field tool

    • Add Field

    • Copy/paste text

\0$aSafari Books Online.

  1. add another 830

  • Add/Delete Field tool

\0$aO'Reilly for Higher Education.

  1. add 949

  • Add/Delete Field tool

  • Save before next step


  1. check 245

  • Find/Replace

  • Find: =245

  • Find All

look for non-Roman letter title displaying as <>. with no useful text and delete from file

This find works even better:

  • Find: <>.

  • Then note the number of records with this problem

  • Scroll down to bottom to make sure these are all in the 245 field

  • If there are any, the records will need to be deleted from the file, as below:

Deleting individual records

11a. Selecting/deleting MARC Records -->Close MarcEditor:

  • Tools → Select MARC Records → Delete Selected Records

  • Source MARC File:

    • [OReilly .mrk file]

  • Display: 245$a

  • Click Import File to bring in file records

  • Search: Field F#:245$a <>.

    • Click search icon

      • check results

    • Scroll to check for unmarked

  • Delete Selected

    • Select new file name

  1. Go back to MarcEditor:

  • Find: =245 to check results

  • Note down the new number of records for Quality Checking

Or use Reports → Field Count:

13a. Run MARCValidator at this point to look for any malformed records or fields

  • Save first, then

  • Reports → MARCValidator

  1. Compile File into MARC

I like to put DONE or FINAL at the end of the new mrc file

Load New into Sierra:

Load table: WorldCat Collection Sets (.collectionsets)


Rapid Update after loading:

(all records are loaded as ebooks but file usually also contains streaming videos and audiobooks)

We make bib and item Review Files based on the queries below applied to the review file of inserted records created when you loaded the file of new records; (the item review files are created based on the associated bib review file)

Create List: create specific Review Files for video

  1. Place your cursor on the next Review File slot.

  2. Click on Search Records.

    1. Leave Store Record Type as Bibliographic

    2. Change Range to Review in the drop down menu on the left.

    3. Select your Load Review File

    4. Choose a review file name like Safari videos

    5. Query: Bibliographic MARC Tag ! 336 has: two-dimensional

  3. Go to another empty review slot.

  4. Search Records.

    1. Change Store Record Type to Item.

    2. Change Range to Review.

    3. Choose the new Safari videos bib review file

    4. No query is needed; it will simply pull up the items that go with the bibs.

  5. Do the Rapid Update changes to the bib material type and to the item item type (details below)

Create List review files for streaming audio

  1. Two more Create Lists searches for bib & items

    1. Bib 336 has spoken word with Review file name: Safari audio

    2. Item list is based on the Safari audio bib Review file with no search terms entered

  2. Go on to the Rapid Update changes
