Command line: Command line searches usually do not require index labels, or qualifiers, to be effective, especially when searching by ISBN. But, if needed you can use index labels along with search terms, index labels are listed in parentheses in the search window drop down menus.
Keyword/Numeric Search: Use drop down menus to specify the indexes or search types.
I. Search Methods
A. Derived searches
Derive searches are the title, author, and author/title searches.
Whole Phrase Search command line formulation: index label + w (no space between w and index label) + = + search term(s) (ex. whole title phrase search tiw=wicked)
II. Search Result Display
A. Default Display
The default display for search results depends on the number of results returned:
If you prefer you can, in the lower left hand corner of the search window, specify to always display search results as a truncated list, brief list, or full record. You can also switch between a brief list or truncated list display by going to List Type under the View menu. One of the advantages of the truncated list display is that you can resort search results by clicking on the column headings.
III. Browse Searches
Browse searches, instead of returning a list of all records that meet the search criteria, return a scrollable list of results with your search terms in the center and the index terms surrounding it alphabetically on either side.
Use the Browse WorldCat window (launched from Cataloging Menu or by keying Ctrl + F2) using drop down menus instead of typing out index terms.
IV. Saving Records
In Connexion there are 2 save files: local file and the online file. The local file is located on the hard drive of the computer you are on, while the online file is located on the OCLC servers and can be accessed by any Connexion user at USU. In almost all cases you will want to save records to the local file and not the online file.
-Select Save Record to Local File on the Action menu OR Key F4.
Examples of WorldCat Searches:
Unless otherwise specified all example searches are for the novel Wicked : the life and times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire.
Ex. 10. Command line browse author whole phrase search for Gregory Maguire.
OCLC Resources on Searching in the Connexion Client:
Cataloging Quick Reference Guide: https://www.oclc.org/.../catquickref/connexionclientquickref.pdf
Searching WorldCat Indexes: http://www.oclc.org/support/documentation/worldcat/searching/searchworldcatindexes/ )
OCLC Searching WorldCat Browser Tutorials: http://oclc.org/support/training/portfolios/cataloging-and-metadata/connexion-browser.en.html
OCLC Searching WorldCat Cataloging: http://www.oclc.org/content/dam/support/connexion/documentation/client/cataloging/searchworldcat/searchworldcat.pdf
OCLC Searching Authorities Tutorial: http://oclc.org/support/training/portfolios/cataloging-and-metadata/connexion-client/tutorials/search-auth-file.en.html
Authority Searching in Connexion Client
Authority Searching in Connexion is almost identical to searching WorldCat. The only differences are