Digital Transfers Procedures

Digital Transfers Procedures

Updated August 2024

Acquisition and Requests (Steps 1-5) 


  1. The curator receives a file(s) [e.g., an email attachment], access to cloud storage, or physical storage media (CD, DVD, external hard drive, USB drive) containing files they would like to add to their collections. 

Note: The curator is encouraged to view and appraise materials, if possible, on the quarantined computer in SCA.  


  1. If the files are a new acquisition, the curator enters the accession into ArchivesSpace and assigns an accession title and accession number.  


  1. If the files are digitized copies of processed physical materials owned by SCA (e.g., vendor-produced digital files), the curator will need to provide the collection title and collection number of the files when filling out the Digital Transfers form (see next step).  

Note: Please consult the Digital Assets Librarian (DAL) on file names for all vendor digitization. This discussion should happen before the files are created.  


  1. The curator fills out the Digital Transfers form to notify the Digital Archivist of the digital transfer request.  Please include as much information as possible to assist the Digital Stewardship team and minimize requests for additional information.  


  1. The Digital Archivist receives an email notification from Airtable about the digital transfer request. The requestor will be notified about any potential delays or concerns.  


Procedures by Request Type (Step 6) 


  1. Procedures will vary depending on the media and the purpose of the transfer. All transfers will typically include the following steps: 

  • Scan for viruses 

  • Review files 

  • Photograph external media 

  • Transfer files to local drive 

  • Verification of transfer 

  • Documentation 

Storage media types and requests: 


Files in Cloud Storage:  

NOTE: Box scans every uploaded file for viruses   

  • The curator will make sure the Digital Archivist has access to the cloud storage location where the file(s) are stored 

  • The Digital Archivist will use the URL provided to access and download the file(s) 


Files on External Storage Media: 

NOTE: Please make sure the external storage media provided by the external party is NOT encrypted or password-protected.  

  • The curator will place the physical storage media on the shelf labeled “Digital Transfers” on the cart in the digitization lab. 

    • If the files are unprocessed:  

      • The external storage medium needs to be labeled with the accession number so it can be identified (a post-it note will work) 

    • If the files are processed, do one of the following [curator preference]: 

      • Keep the items in their designated and labeled housing (e.g., archival box, folder, etc.) 

      • Or, remove the item from its designated housing and label the item with the call number (a post-it note will work) 

      • If the storage media is small (e.g., USB flash drive), place it inside of the dedicated USB box for transport. The box is located on the bottom left side of the cart.  

      • Once the item is ready, the Digital Archivist will pick up the item and take it to Room 233.  

  • The Digital Archivist will use a quarantined machine to check the files for viruses. Note: If the storage media is a new acquisition and was appraised on the SCA quarantined work station, the files should have already been checked for viruses.

    • If there are viruses detected, the Digital Archivist will reach out to LIT for further assistance 

    • If there are no viruses the Digital Archivist will move on to ingesting the files. 

  • The Digital Archivist will photograph any external storage media including any surface that has writing on it.  

    • Refer to the Master Filename List for how to name these asset images – look for the “Asset Images (External Storage Media) under the “Misc Types” tab. 

    • Store the asset images with the files from the external storage media. 


  • The Digital Archivist will verify that all files transferred from the external storage medium to the drive.  

    • If there is a large quantity of files, the Digital Archivist will submit a request to LIT to verify that all files transferred. 

    • If there is a small number of files, the Digital Archivist can manually verify that all files transferred.



Partial Transfers: 

If an external hard drive contains multiple collections digitized by vendors and its size exceeds the storage availability in the local drive, a partial transfer may be necessary on a case-by-case basis. 

  • Deliver the hard drive(s) to the digital archivist or make arrangements for pickup. 

    • Keep the items in their designated and labeled housing  

    • If multiple call numbers are represented on the hard drive, the curator will send the digital archivist a copy of the order or original inventory. If a complete digitization inventory file is not included on the hard drive, check with the curator or vendor.  

  • The Digital Archivist will use a quarantined machine to check the files for viruses. 

    • If there are viruses detected, the Digital Archivist will reach out to LIT for further assistance 

    • If there are no viruses the Digital Archivist will move on to ingesting the files.  

  • The curator will provide a list of files from the order that will need to be transferred from the hard drive.  

    • Vendor digitization hard drives are often very large and may exceed the storage capacity available. Curators will need to determine the priority level for specific files or collections from the order.  

  • The Digital Archivist will photograph any external storage media including any surface that has writing on it.  

    • Refer to the Master Filename List for how to name these asset images – look for the “Asset Images (External Storage Media) under the “Misc Types” tab. 

    • Store the asset images with the files from the external storage media. 

  • The Digital Archivist will submit a request to LIT to pull a full inventory csv spreadsheet that includes the original file name and file path on the external hard drive.  

    • Include additional columns for new file names and transfer status. These fields will be updated after the transfer.  

    • Save a copy of the LIT csv file to the Airtable base as an attachment to the entry for each of the vendor hard drives.  

  • Transfer the selected files or collections to the local DI drive (DI/Scans/DIGITAL TRANSFERS) 

    • When transferred files are renamed, update the inventory. 

    • Save a copy of the renamed inventory to the Airtable base. 

    • Print a copy of the inventory to store with the external hard drive. This will ensure that documentation stays with the correct hard drive and that files will not be transferred multiple times.   

  • Once the Digital Archivist is done working with the external storage medium, the Digital Archivist will document all activities in the Digital Preservation and Access Airtable. 

Files to Attach and Submit Through the Form [i.e., A file(s) that is NOT in cloud storage or on physical storage media]:  

NOTE: Email attachments received by usu.edu accounts go through a virus scan before they reach the recipient’s inbox. All attachments received by a usu.edu email address should be safe to download.  

  • The curator will attach the file(s) to the Digital Transfers form in Airtable.  

  • The Digital Archivist will download the attachment(s)  


File Storage and Preservation (Steps 7-10) 


  1. For all unprocessed files: 

    • The Digital Archivist will load the file(s) on the DI drive (DI/Scans/DIGITAL TRANSFERS/Unprocessed/Accession Number [YYYY-###]

    • The files will remain on the DI Drive in temporary storage until the curator is ready to process the collection. 

    • Unprocessed files will follow the Born-Digital Processing Procedures. When complete, files will proceed through steps 8-10 below.  


  1. For processed files: 

    • The Digital Archivist will create or request from LIT an inventory of the original files and file paths (it is possible to create an inventory manually if it is a small number of files) 

    • The Digital Archivist will correct filenames to match internal file naming conventions. 

      • For all unprocessed files, the Digital Archivist will prepend the accession number to the beginning of the filename(s) separating the accession number and the rest of the filename with an underscore 

      • For all processed files, the Digital Archivist will make sure the collection number is included in the filename and folder names  

    • Once the files are stored on the drive for review, the Digital Archivist will send the temporary file path and inventory to the curator and document transfer details in the Digital Preservation and Access Airtable. 

    • The Digital Archivist will verify that media is documented in the SCA Media Inventory Airtable base.  


Digital Transfers Folder 

Note that some transfers may require additional arrangement or there may be issues that delay the renaming and preservation of digital files. To address this, the DIGITAL TRANSFERS folder contains the following subfolders to keep transferred files organized. 


  • Unprocessed 

    • Transferred files in this folder have not been processed and are waiting for collection numbers and established archival hierarchies. 

  • Processed Needs Organization 

    • Files in this folder require additional organization or hierarchical file structures.  

    • Some processed collections contain hard drives or media that have extensive organizational issues that limit discoverability and description. Transferred media may be flagged by the Digital Archivist if these issues will prevent future access requests to be uploaded to our digital collections.  

  • Processing in Progress Original Copies 

    • Files in this folder are currently being processed and/or reorganized in the SCA-Working-Files digital staging area. These files serve as a backup of the original transferred copies until processing is complete. See Born Digital Processing Procedures. 

    • Once SCA Working Files copies are completed, they will be copied to the Processed Needs Renaming folder. The backups (original copies) in this folder will then be deleted.  

  • Processed Needs Renaming 

    • Files in this folder are processed collections that have an established collection number and archival hierarchy. These folders will be renamed according to the file naming conventions for the associated curatorial area(s).  

  • Renamed Needs Review 

    • Files in this folder are processed collections that have been renamed. They are awaiting file name review.  

  • Preservation 

    • Files in this folder are processed collections that have been renamed and reviewed. They are awaiting a preservation assignment to determine the permanent storage location.  

    • Possible storage locations include: Preservica S3, Glacier, Local DI drive. See Storage and Access Definitions.

  1. The DAL will be notified to review and correct file names to match internal file naming conventions 

    • The DAL will review the file names for adherence to internal file naming conventions and clean up as necessary. Once finalized, the DAL will move files to the Preservation folder (DI/Scans/DIGITAL TRANSFERS/Ready-For-Preservation). 

    • The Digital Archivist will load the file(s) on the DP partition of the drive in the folder location that corresponds with the collection number. 

      • The final preservation location will be determined based on access levels, restrictions, and priorities. The final decision will be made in collaboration between the Digital Stewardship team and individual curators/archivists. 


  1. The DAL will update the temporary file path to the permanent one in the Storage Location column in the Digital Preservation and Access Airtable base. The Digital Archivist and/or the curator will be notified.  


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