Mail Merge (MAC)
Create an excel document for the finding aid information: At the very least it should include columns for Box #, Folder #, Unittitle or Unitid, date, and normal date information
*If the finding aid is already done in another format (i.e. html, word, or wordperfect) the information should be copied and pasted into excel and then the information should be parsed out into corresponding columns by cutting and pasting or by using the “text to columns” option in the data tab of excel
Once the table is complete with all the finding aid information, select the entire table, copy it, and paste it into a new word document and save it
Create or choose an existing blank xml container list template that will best fit the finding aid information
<c0«Component_Number» level="«Component_Level»">
<container type="box">«Box»</container>
<container type="folder">«Folder»</container>
<unittitle encodinganalog="title">«Alternate_Title»</unittitle>
<resource xlink:label="start">«Alternate_Title» [Click to access]</resource>
<daoloc xlink:label= "Type" xlink:href="«Ark_URL»" xlink:title="digital image of «Title»" xlink:role="«Format»"/>
<arc xlink:from="start" xlink:to= "Type" xlink:show="new" xlink:actuate="onRequest"/>
<unitdate encodinganalog= "date" normal= "Normal_Beginning_Date"/"Normal_End_Date" era= " ce " certainty= "approximate" calendar= "gregorian">«Original_Date»</unitdate> </did>
<scopecontent><p> «Scope_Conent»</p></scopecontent>
With the blank xml template open in word go to the “Mailings” tab and choose “Start Mail Merge” and then choose “Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard”
Select “Directory” from the list of document type options and then click “Next: Starting Document”
Make sure that “Use the Current Document” is selected then click “Next: Select Recipients”
Make sure that “Use an existing list” is selected then click “Next: Write your Letter
A separate window will appear and allow you to select the document that you are going to input which will be the word document that you just transferred from excel and saved.
After selecting the document another window will open and allow you to see a list of “Mail Merge Recipients” Click “OK” and then click “Next: Arrange your Directory”
Put your cursor into one of the empty field positions (<container type="Box">CURSOR HERE</container>) then select “Insert Merge Field” from under the Mailings tab. A drop down menu will appear allowing you to choose what information is placed into the merge field. In this case you would choose “box” so that all the corresponding box numbers will be placed into this field. Repeat the same process for all the empty fields then click “Next: Preview your Directory”
If desired you can click the “<<” or “>>” to preview how the fields are populated or you can skip this and click “Next: Complete the Merge”
Then click “To New Document” and this will create a new word document with a completed container list in word
Select the entire document and paste it into oxygen and then make any necessary changes to make the document valid