Zoom: Security

Zoom: Security


How do I increase my Zoom session security?


Zoom is a viable video chat platform. For privacy and trolling concerns, though, there are plenty of settings you can tweak to make Zoom a safer place for you and everyone else on the line.

Stop Zoombombs

  • Be careful who you share the meeting ID with; posting it on your public Twitter feed isn't the best idea.

  • Using a random ID is another way to avoid trolls, though if you've got an office team who always meet with the same ID, you might not consider the extra inconvenience worth it.

  • To absolutely lock down a meeting, make sure participants need a password to access it.

  • Enable waiting room option to put people on hold before you give them specific approval to join.

Restrict Users Options

  • Restrict screen sharing

  • Lock meeting option

Stay Private

  • If there's a communication you don't want anyone else to know about, keep it off Zoom (chat or video).


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