When saving XML files for uploading to Archives West follow this file naming protocol with NO SPACES
Manuscript: UUS_mss666.xml
Photograph: UUS_p0666.xml
Folk collection: UUS_folkcoll666.xml
University Archives: UUS_6_6_6.xml (see explanation below for issues regarding duplicate file names)
The University Archives present a problem regarding the Archives West standard and record group numbers. All punctuation has to be represented in Archives West by underscores, for example, 5.1/2:36 would translate into a file name of 5_1_2_36.xml. However, this causes a problem when different collections have the same numbers but different punctuation, for example, 5.1/2-36 would translate into the same file name as 5.1/2:36. Because we are unable to go back and change the file names for all the existing EAD guides, we will make modifications to collections that already have an existing file name. This will be accomplished by substituting letters in place of punctuation instead of using an under score for the final underscore in the call number. The following punctuation will be as follows:
. = p
/ = s
- = d
: = c
If the file name already exists for collection 5.1/2:36 as 5_1_2_36.xml then the file name for collection 5.1/2-36 would be 5_1_2d36.xml.