First very rough draft of general links and tasks useful to Batch & Sierra regularly occurring duties
started 9/17/2023; updating continually
Batch/Sierra list of tasks:
First version list of tasks:
Working Schedule of Tasks for Melanie (under revision) in Box:
Plan of attack:
Start with Cambridge EBA, Taylor & Francis EBA, Safari/O'Reilly subscription, and the YBP discovery records, and the Academic Complete update records. (One thing to remember is to watch the dates on the ebook discovery and deletes and make sure you load them in order. In other words, don't load deletes until you have loaded the discovery records with earlier dates.)
Make sure you use the tracking sheet versions with “current” at the end.
Cambridge EBA:
Taylor & Francis EBA:
Safari/O’Reilly subscription:
YBP discovery records(and deletes):
Academic Complete update records--part of
Detailed Procedures and Tracking of files will remain in Box here:
FTP downloads software/app:
Since all browsers have stopped supporting FTP protocols, we will use LIT’s suggestion of the WinSCP software:
Download for Windows:
All users
Accept all the defaults and lawyer repellant
and Open
type in the vendor’s ftp site address and log in with your user name & password:
A split window will open with your computer on the left; the vendors files on the right:
Ta Da!
For historical use & older tracking:
Trello website: Historical procedures & notes, but contains earliest logs of Batch record loads
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