First very rough draft of general links and tasks useful to Batch & Sierra regularly occurring duties
started 9/17/2023; updating continually
Batch/Sierra list of tasks:
First version list of tasks:
Final version: to be posted later in Box
Detailed Procedures and Tracking of files will remain in Box here:
FTP downloads software/app:
Since all browsers have stopped supporting FTP protocols, we will use LIT’s suggestion of the WinSCP software:
Download for Windows:
All users
Accept all the defaults and lawyer repellant
and Open
type in the vendor’s ftp site address and log in with your user name & password:
A split window will open with your computer on the left; the vendors files on the right:
Ta Da!
For historical use & older tracking:
Trello website: Historical procedures & notes, but contains earliest logs of Batch record loads
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