Marcive GPO Batch Files: general notes and workflow
Updated 6/24/2021
Batch Files of MARC Government Document MARC records are received monthly from Marcive.
Each month's record files are produced around the 4th day of the month.
Files are usually only available for 2 weeks, so it is essential to download the records without delay.
Email notifications are sent, but the download site can also be checked for record availability.
Download site is accessible via either http or ftp, which can be found in the Marcive email notices.
Four monthly batch files:
Current print (includes microform) – naming convention: USULC plus date
Historical print (includes microform) – naming convention: USULP plus date
All map formats– naming convention: USULM plus date
All online format – naming convention: USULO plus date
General Notes
There are no pre-load edits, except for the Historical files.
Two load tables are used in Sierra:
Load Marcive PRINT GPO (.marcivegpoprint)
Load Marcive ELECTRONIC GPO (.marcivegpoelec)
USULC - Current print (and microform) documents
Use Load Marcive PRINT GPO (.marcivegpoprint),
Click "Use Review Files" box before loading.
In Create lists click Copy, then find the file beginning with - LOAD: inserted files for USUL…
Select 2 or 3 records and double-check the codes (below).
Use Create lists to extract spreadsheet with: bib#, sudoc, title, pub,, OCLC#
Attach print loaded spreadsheet and send email to announce that Marcive loads are done to Government Information assistant and head.
Use the OCLC Connexion Batch Holdings procedure, below, to show our holdings in OCLC.
USULM (maps) - all map formats.
Use Load Marcive PRINT GPO (.marcivegpoprint)
After loading Copy the LOAD: inserted files for USULM…..
Then edit the Item Record codes to match the values below:
Bib Material Type = e Map
Item Type = 66 Maps Noncirculating
Item Location = agov
Call No. is 086 and populated with the SuDoc number.
Do not create an Excel spreadsheet of titles loaded.
Do not set holdings in OCLC.
USULO (online electronic documents)
Use Load Marcive ELECTRONIC GPO (.marcivegpoelec)
Click "Use Review Files" box before loading, Test, then if no problems, Load.
In Create lists click Copy, then find the file beginning with - LOAD: inserted files for USULO…
Select 2 or 3 records and double-check the codes (below).
Do not create spreadsheet after loading in Sierra.
Do not set holdings in OCLC.
Values to check after batch loading into Sierra:
USULC or USULP-Owned-Titles print GPO:
Bib Material Type = n Government Document
Item Type = 30 Government documents
Item Location = agov
Call No. is 086 and populated with the SuDoc number.
Bib Material Type = q Electronic Government Doc
Item Type = 22 Electronic Government document
Item Location = cogov
USULM GPO Maps (values after edits are done):
Bib Material Type = e Map
Item Type = 66 Maps Noncirculating
Item Location = agov
Call No. is 086 and populated with the SuDoc number.
For all Marcive GPO files:
Empty Sierra Create Lists Review File after checking.
Delete Sierra File loads in Data Transfer.
OCLC Connexion Batch Holdings procedure:
In the Excel spreadsheet of loaded titles, Find/Replace the (OCoLC) prefix with an * (asterisk).
Log in to OCLC Connexion.
Then click Batch; Holdings by OCLC Number; and paste * OCLC numbers into the text box to the left:
Select Update Holdings,
Click OK.
A Batch Holdings Report will open with a list of the records. Any errors will be listed at the bottom and are usually records which already have our holdings set.
Notification to Government Information staff and head:
When the GPO files are loaded each month, email Government Information, with load counts, along with attached Sierra spreadsheets for loaded print GPO titles to let them know they can start processing them.
Special Procedures:
USULP (“Past” or historical documents) – see separate workflow:
Do not batch load!
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