Date(s) | Activity | Assigned to: |
April - May 2022 | Pull data and run tests on process | Government Info |
April - ongoing | Finalize process; shift material; add information to Airtable base | Government Info |
June - July 2022 | Examine data; identify potential existing batch routines that can be modified; rework workflows to match Government Information specifications. | Cataloging (Kurt, Melanie, Liz) |
August 2022 | Batch routines are tested, changes or modifications to documentation are recorded | Cataloging (Kurt, Melanie) |
September 2022- ongoing | Batch cataloging or holdings update for identified items is in progress | Cataloging (Kurt, Liz, Melanie) |
TBD | Identify material for individual cataloging (boundwiths, etc.) and catalog or develop alternate process | Cataloging (Kurt); Government Info |