907 Overlay code
Add a 907 field. When copy cataloging new materials, there is almost always an order record created in Sierra and a brief bibliographic record for the item already in the system. When copy cataloging you will essentially be replacing the brief record with a new, full record (otherwise known as the process of overlaying). In order to do this, you need to enter the unique Sierra number assigned to the item into a 907 field so the computer will recognize which specific record to replace. In Sierra, the unique number that you use is the bibliographic record number, which will always be preceded by a period and the letter “b” (ex. “.b30442783”).
907 _ _ .b30442783 (always include the period before the letter “b”)
938 Vendor Specific Ordering Data
938 fields are automatically deleted upon Import. This field contains information for ordering the item from a vendor and is not needed.
949 Item creation – Constant Data
Add a 949 field. The 949 field can be used to create an item record for the book you are processing thus avoiding the need to do the item creation in Sierra. You can use already existing constant data or enter the essential information into the proper subfields manually.
ǂa = Call Number (LC, Dewey, Local, etc. – don’t include the subfield b)
ǂi = Barcode (scan a barcode and place it in the book)
ǂl = Location (location code for the correct library location = asah, asjp, asqr, assz= idbks, ijrnl, ibcol, iarch, imed, irare, etc.)
ǂt = Item Type (number that corresponds to the correct item type – book = “0”)ǂx = Item code 1 (number that designates whether an item is a firm order, gift, POD, noncirculating = “7”, Journal noncirculating = 36, Media noncirculating = 55, etc.)
ǂv = Volume (enter volume information if applicable = v.1, v.2, v.3, etc.)
ǂc = Copy (used only for 2 copies or more = 2, 3, etc.)
949 _ _ QC793.5 .B62 2010 ǂi 39060017894923 ǂl asqr ǂt 0 ǂx 17289.39 R563 ǂl idbks ǂt 7
949 _ _ BOOK COLL 58 no. 134 ǂl ibcol ǂt 7 ǂc 2
949 _ _ FOLK COLL 14 NAF ǂl ifolk ǂt 36 ǂv v. 12 1996
949 fields are repeatable so, you can create multiple items to be attached to the same bibliographic record. The most common example for the repeated use of the 949 would be for multivolume sets or books with accompanying discsin more than one collection in SCA.
949 _ _ BL820 .H43 S36 2011 ǂi 39060017962597 ǂl asah ǂt 0 ǂx 17 289.305 C474 ǂl idbks ǂt 7 ǂv v. 1
949 _ _
289.305 C474 ǂl idbks ǂt 7 ǂv v.2
949 _ _
9.4 no. 78 ǂl iarch ǂt 7
949 _ _
FOLK COLL 22 no. 45 ǂl ifolk ǂt 7