First very rough draft of general links and tasks useful to Batch & Sierra regularly occurring duties
Start with Cambridge EBA, Taylor & Francis EBA, Safari/O'Reilly subscription, and the YBP discovery records, and the Academic Complete update records. (One thing to remember is to watch the dates on the ebook discovery and deletes and make sure you load them in order. In other words, don't load deletes until you have loaded the discovery records with earlier dates.)
Cambridge EBA:
Taylor & Francis EBA:
Safari/O’Reilly subscription:
YBP discovery records(and deletes):
Academic Complete update records--part of
Further note:
just fyi, I'm trying to include any tracking files you might need eventually. A lot of what I'm adding currently are NOT pressing and could be ignored until you have a day where you want a challenge.
Focusing on the weekly and monthly and quarterly (Univ. Press of Colorado ebooks) for now seems like it makes the most sense.
Also, I've always tried to keep right up with all streaming video additions/deletions/edits for Gaby.
Pddarecords to be deleted emails
So, both Tyler and Kevin periodically send Pdda emails when they need discovery records deleted because they have purchased an ebook through different channels (and we don't want to buy multiple copies.)
For the eDDA and EBA, I check for the 910 fields and confirm no order record is attached
Detailed Procedures and Tracking of files will remain in Box