Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Record source:  YBP ftp

Name:  utahstate

eba folder


  1. replace; add prepend cambridge to 001

  • Then Edit; Find: =001 ← 2 blank spaces for the indicators

  • Replace: =001 cambridge

  1. delete fields (Tools; Add/Delete Field):


533 (usually there are all 3 5XX fields in a record)

  1. check for problems in field 830 (check for any problematic 830s indicating other libraries' DDA programs, etc.

    Image Removed


  2. check for problems in 856 (check for any problems; local z subfields; plus extra URLs)


    • =856 $u ← clean with nothing extra

Ready for 856 Edits

  1. Tools; Edit subfield data:

    • 856 *add |z Replace with: Available online; click to view


  • New subfield only; Replace Text

b. 856 add prepend to |u

Tools; edit subfield data:

Field Data ^ (regex: insert in front)

Replace with:


  • Use regular expression, and

  • Remove Subfield code from scope; Replace text

Do a quick check that 856 fields still line up; and no digit (especially subfield u) is misplaced


loader:  BATCH LOAD Worldcat Collection Sets (.collectionsets) - * Use Review Files; Test first; then Load

After loading, view a record in review file of inserted records and confirm fields in bib and item added by load table and 949 (Create Lists: Copy; locate file; Remove file; (yes))


bib 910 Cambridge University Press EBA with GOBI
item internal note: Cambridge University Press EBA with GOBI
item code 1 (repurposed from completed Wiley EBA): 50

After loading, do title search in Encore, confirm bib record number (bottom of record in Encore - Bookmark This Record, Persistent Link) and check access – batches may take a while to load into Encore

Delete files in Data Exchange and the review file of inserted records in Create Lists - Empty
