The following fields are required to identify WEST archived materials:
●OCLC control number of the corresponding WorldCat bibliographic record. This can be the 004, 014 or 035 field but it must consistently be in the same location in all records.
●Leader and Directory
●001 -Local System Control Number
●008 -Fixed-Length Data Elements
● 022 -ISSN
●561 -Ownership and Custodial History
● 583 -Action Note(s) 1
● 852 -Location
●85x/86x -Coded holdings (formatted holdings pairs) (if available)
●866/867/868 -Summary holdings (text) (if no 85x/86x formatted holdings pairs)2
Additionally, the following fields are requested when submitting disclosure records to AGUA:
●Holdings record unique ID
●Bib record unique ID
WEST Bronze materials are disclosed as “committed to retain” for WEST. There is no requirement to validate materials, though many Archivers may perform validation as part of their review of archiving proposals ahead of selecting archiving commitments. If physical validation is performed, or if materials are moved to storage in the course of local collection management activities, Archivers are encouraged to include this information in the retained materials’ records to support disclosure and information sharing in the shared print community.
●Good: Add 583$a “committed to retain” with all required retention information detailed in Appendix 1.
●Better: Validate physical holdings for completeness at the volume level (as described in the WEST Validation Standards), update holdings statements as needed, and record validation activity and findings in 583$a “completeness reviewed” with $l / $z pairs (e.g., 583$a completeness reviewed…$l missing volumes $z missing v.14,v.21).
●Best: Validate physical holdings for condition at the volume level, record findings in 583$a “condition reviewed” with $l / $z pairs.