These procedures outline the process for two batch merge workflows that combine item level information collected in an Airtable base with existing OCLC records - as part of a large scale remediation project for Congressional Hearings.
General Brief to OCLC Merge Workflow
MarcEdit Brief record creation for merging: export fromAirTable → Open in Excel spreadsheet and edit → use MarcEdit Tab Delimited Convertor to make brief MARC records (.mrk) → check/edit MarcEdit Brief Records → save for merging.
OCLC records batch-search and edit: change (OCoLC) prefix to * → copy entire OCLC# column → save in notepad → load notepad txt file in OCLC batch processor → point to empty OCLC local save file → run OCLC Batch Process search → export all searched records → convert OCLC file to MarcEdit mnemonic (.mrk) → delete certain fields → save for merging → Recopy the OCLC numbers with * prefix → Go back to OCLC and run the batch process to set holdings in OCLC.
Merge brief & OCLC batchsearched records together: batch edit → compile into MARC (.mrc) format → load into Sierra → make Create List of LOAD → global edit Item call numbers to 086 → DONE!
Jen’s crew has checked for physical items, added barcodes, checked SuDoc numbers, and so on, in the spreadsheet & uploaded to Airtable.
Cheryl will delete MQ barcodes from Sierra before we bring in our Merged Batchload records.
Liz has created 949 fields for each item record in Airtable.
Various preprocessing will be run for items that lack a 001 or 035, or that have wrong OCLC numbers brough over from Sierra to the two Merge views.
949s for titles with multiple volumeswill to be grouped to be added to a separate workflow.
Excel spreadsheet processing will remove excess columns, change 86 to 099, check for the usual errors, add collection name field, and OCLC batchsearch column for later.
Brief records will be created/edited in MarcEdit:
OCLC # (OCLC Masterpiece change to 035 - match point for OCLC merge)
Title – for error resolution, only - will not be merged into OCLC bibs.
086 - taken from the first (home) columnand change to 099 - our SUDOC number
590 field for the Project Name
Record #(Biblio) change to 907 - Sierra bib-number match point (needed only for merge & OVERLAY)- match point for Sierra import
949 - formed in Airtable - (will contain barcode-from Airtable and SUDOC - from Airtable; plus identical location codes, item type codes, etc.) – EXCEPTION: multivolume titles will be adding 949 during OCLC steps.
Batch Changes to OCLC record will be:
Change 049 from UUSA to UUSH.
General and very modest edits for the usual obvious errors.
Merge Brief bibs with our local data into OCLC bibs:
035 OCLC Masterpiece
590 field for the Project Name
907 (for New Barcodes, Update Sierra, Update Holdings).
Undergoing revision, please wait until finished
1-Detailed Procedures for New Barcodes, Update Sierra, Set holdings: (MERGE Overlay)workflow
For government documents which already have a record loaded in Sierra (usually from Marcive GPO), but needed a new barcode, we will use the barcode to make 949 item record field, put the Sierra bib# in a 907 for overlaying, and the SUDOC in a 099.
AirTable Extraction:
Go to AirTable Hearings 9-10:
Sign up for a certain section of SuDoc Y4 numbers
Batch Loader: you
Batch Load Status: In Progress
Fill in Batch Load Start Date and (if needed during the process) Notes.
Go to view: New barcodes, Update Sierra, Set holdings:
Flag any problems that need to returned for more work, checking etc. (incomplete, problem, etc.)
Download CSV file of items by clicking on the down arrow at the top menu, in one of two ways:
First filter by SUDOC stem (easily done by adding a filter of Sign up Name is exactly: [your name]--then delete just that filter when done downloading)
Download entire set and delete other titles after opening file in Excel (probably too bulky to do).
Distinguish the download by changing the CSV name of Imported table-New barcodes, Update Sierra, Set holdings after downloading, something like this: Newbarcodes-Y4V2-HRG101-103.
Excel Column work:
OpenExcel app first
Open; from PC; Desktop; All Files;
Then, navigate to the CSV file (such as Newbarcodes-Y4V2-HRG101-103); then choose Delimited; Next; click in Comma box, Next; choose Text, and Finish.
If you haven’t done so already by filtering to your SUDOC stem in Airtable, delete all but your chosen Y4 group rows from the spreadsheet. or copy/paste your chosen titles to another spreadsheet.
Delete all these columns in the spreadsheet:
The 3 sign up columns: Sign up Name, Batch Cataloging Status, Start Date
Final Source
Batch Cataloging Status
Record #(Item) - we don’t use this
86 (since we’ll be using the first SuDoc Call Number column)
OCLC Masterpiece will NOT be deleted: instead delete ANY other OCLC related numbers, including Field 001, OCLC Final for Melanie, Field 001 checked, etc
Sierra MQ barcode
Barcode added in inventory - make sure this is already in the MARC 949 - $ subfield column, then delete Barcode added in inventory
Volume (if multipart) - should be in another view
Editable SuDoc
Bib Record (linked) - we already have Record#(Biblo as 907)
Count of items on Bib
The remaining Columns should be:
SuDoc Call Number
OCLC Masterpiece - this will become our 035 field in the next step
Title - just for error checking, if needed
Record#(Biblio) – (for overlaying in Sierra)
MARC 949 - $ Subfield - first item record
Keep these specific columns and renameRename (and edit, as needed) the remaining columns:
SuDoc Call Number change to 099$a
Title to 245$a - this will be for error checking only
Record #(Biblio) change to 907$a
MARC 949 - $ Subfield to 949$a
OCLC Masterpiece - first do these edits to create two OCLC columns:
Insert 2 new columns to the left.
In the second column add the (OCoLC) prefix to the header cell, and then pull down to fill in the rest of the column.
In the first column add the function:
=CONCATENATE(F1,G1) ← with F as the prefix column - Gas OCLC Masterpiece
click return key
First (header) cell should display (OCoLC)OCLC Masterpiece
Pull down to populate the rest of the cells in the column with their concatenate functions.
Then Copy the entire (OCoLC)OCLC Masterpiece column, and Paste as Values in the same column.
Finally, delete the (OCoLC) prefix column and the old OCLC Masterpiece column.
Copy the column, then, Insert as new column at the beginning of the spreadsheet
: 035$a
Go back to the (OCoLC)OCLC Masterpiece column, then use Find & Select; Replace to edit to OCLC batch-search format:
Find: (OCoLC) ← no spaces
Replace: * ← asterisk
Replace All
Rename column
: OCLC batchsearch
Now there are two OCLC columns at either end of your spreadsheet:
Save the Excel New Barcodes spreadsheet as Text (Tab Delimited)
I usually give it a new name, at this point (but that is optional)
MarcEdit Conversion and Edits
Open MarcEdit; then Tools; Delimited Text Translator
Source File:[file name, such as: NewBarcodes-Y4Hearings-Y4-3]
Output File:[new name such as NewbarcodesY4HearingsOverBrief-Y4-3…brief]
Click Import File (formerly Next)
Manually enter in each column (fields) and map them to MARC fields
Using Data Snapshot as a guide
Use Select to pick each Data shapshot field
In Map To: type MARC tag+1st subfield;
Then Indicators are usually the default: \\
– except for 245$a which is: 10
No terminal punctuation is needed for this project, so leave blank.
Then click Add Argument
The field to MARC arguments:
Field 0 035a Indicators: \\ no terminal punctuation
Field 1 099$a Indicators: \\ no terminal punctuation
Field 2 245$a Indicators: 10 no terminal punctuation
Field 4 907$a Indicators: \\ no terminal punctuation
Field 5 949$a Indicators: \\ no terminal punctuation
Do not use the OCLC batchsearch column
The MARC fields will show up in the Arguments preview box
you can right-click in the Add Argument preview boxto Delete or Edit if there are any problems
you can also select one argument (or more) and use the blue circled arrows to move it up or down
If all looks good, click Finish.
Edit the Brief Records in MarcEdit
In MarcEdit; open MarcEditor; then File; Open, then navigate to the new MARC mnemonic (.mrc) file
You can doublecheck the mappings by looking over the first mock record in the file to see that the tags and mapping match.
Go to Reports; Field Count to make sure the number of records is correct
(records number should be the numbers of the 001, 035, & 245 field count; HOWEVER, the first mock record will be counted: so subtract 1 for the actual number of records)
Use Edit; Find; Replace to get rid of Excel’s double-quotes.
Find: " (one double quote)
Replace: (with nothing)
Replace all to clean up the entire file.
Then File; Save (it’s a good idea to do a save after each major edit).
If we were actually using the 245 fields as anything except error checkers, we would fix them; for this project it would be totally optional to fix it.
Edit;Find; Find All on =245 for each article (as below) to check for titles with articles that are missing a skip indicator. This is usually caught by MarcEdit, but with all hidden quotation marks…
=245 10$aA ← add a single [space] after each to avoid title words starting with 'A'
=245 10$aAn ← add a single [space] after each…
=245 \0$aThe ← add a single [space] after each…
fix any articles found using Edit; Find; Replace:
Find: =245 10$aThe ← add a single [space]
Replace: =245 14$aThe ← add a single [space]
Do some quick Find’s to check for egregisous errors in our local data.
Edit; Find; Find All
Find: =035
Find: =099
Find: =907
Edit; Replace
Find: =907 \$ab
Replace: =907 \$a.b
Replace All
Find: =949
Now add our project name in the 590 field:
Tools; Add/Delete Field
Field: 590 Field Data: \\$aY4 Retrocataloging Project 2022.
Click Add Field
Scroll down to check that the new field lines up with the other fields:
Then scroll down the records to look for egregious errors in our locally generated fields (ignore LDR, 008, & 245), making sure they all line up correctly, but don’t get lost in the weeds.
Then Save the file of edited brief records.
Batch-search Connexion with OCLC numbers:
In Excel and Notepad, create a text file of OCLC numbers for the batch search in OCLC Connexion.
If not already done, copy/paste OCLC numbers to a new column; replace (OCoLC) with * then name the column: OCLC batchsearch.
Select all the OCLC numbers; right-click; choose format cells; & change Category to text.
Copy and paste the cells in the OCLCbatchseach column to Notepad; save as text; with an easy to find title, in this format: OCLCnosOV-year
Note the number of *OCLC rows (records).
In Connexion, go to File; Local File Manager; choose an empty Local Save File path (or make a new one).
Do a search/return key to make sure there are no records lingering in there;
Delete any lingering records.
Go to Batch; Enter Bibliographic Search Keys; Import.
Navigate to your text file of *OCLC numbers, make sure the Default Index is: None, and click Open.
Always click Don’t Delete, when asked.
The text file should load into the Bibliographic Batch Search Window; click Save; then close window.
In Local File Manager; Set up Authorizations; add Authorization & Password; Save & Login.
Go to Batch; Process Batch;
make sure the empty Local Save File is still selected (if not, select it now).
Only Online Searches should be clicked.
Click OK;
The OCLC numbers should scroll down the view window, until all have been searched.
Finally, a Batch Search Report will appear; go down to the last save number in the report; it should equal the number of *OCLC row numbers that you wrote down earlier.
The Local Save File should have received all the records.
Go to Search; Local Save File; then hit Search, leaving the search box blank.
Select every record in the batch save file.
Export; name the export file, something like this: THESES-OCLCbatchsearchOver-year.
Open MarcEdit; click on MARC Toolsicon; leaveSelect Operation as MarcBreaker;
Open (choose All Files): Theses-OCLCbatchsearchOver-year
Save As: Theses-OCLCbatchsearchOVER-year
Leave Default Character Encoding as MARC8
Click Execute; then click on Edit Records:
Edit; Find/Replace: =049 \$aUUSAto =049 \$aUUSP
Delete these fields which we will be replacing with our updated versions:
Tools; Add/Delete Fields, fill in the tag in Field; and leave Field Data blank; then click Delete Field:
Field: 100
Field: 245
Field: 260
Field: 264
Field: 300
Field: 502
Field: 520
For the following Fields, we will be deleting certain duplicate versions, usingAdd/Delete Fields:
Field: 655Field Data: \7$aAcademic theses.$2lcgft
Field: 655Field Data: \4$aAcademic theses.
check for other versions of 655 Academic theses headings to delete, but don’t remove FAST headings:
=655 \7$aAcademic theses.$2fast$0(OCoLC)fst01726453
Check that 504 fields have: Includes bibliographical references (and change any incorrect), but don’t add them where they are missing.
Jump to Record to fix incorrect text.
Save for Merge step.
Merge Brief file and OCLC batch-searched file records together.
Go to Tools, MARC Processing Tools, Merge Records, then navigate to the two files, as in this example:
Source file: Theses-OCLCbatchseach-year.mrk → (OCLC batch-searched/edited records)
Merge File: Theses-mergeOVERLAY-Brief-year.mrk → (brief records with our data)
Save file: Theses-mergedOVERLAY-year.mrk → (future file of merged records)
Record identifier: 035$a → (Important Matchpoint)
Click Next to begin selecting the fields to merge.
Select/type each field to be merged into the OCLC batch-searched file; click the Green arrow to select each:
049 UUSP
099 local call number
100 Author (our corrected version)
245 Title (ours)
264 RDA production date (ours)
300 Physical description (ours)
500 Department & transcribed note
502 RDA standardized thesis statement
520 Scrapped summary
590 Project name
655 Academic theses genre term
690 local subject strings
710 university
907 Sierra bib-number for overlay
949 automatic item record creation
Then click Next to do the merge.
Batch copy catalog the merged records in MarcEdit:
Reports; Field Count; to check the merge worked (001, 035, & 245 fields should match number of records);
Edit; Find; Find All various fields, search for egregious errors, etc.
Compile cleaned up merged files into MARC format: ThesesmergedOVERLAYdone-year.mrc
Load file into Sierra and track:
Use the first load table: LOAD/Overlay bibs & create items (.briefbiboverlay), and remember to click on “use review files”;
Do a Test load first; then if the test goes well; Load.
Go to Create Lists; Copy; find file, looking somewhat like this:
LOAD: inserted files for ThesesmergedOVERLAYdone-year (#) ← number of bib records loaded in parentheses
Click on a few records and make sure the records loaded properly.
Leave the Load list in Create Lists for later Global Edit in Sierra.
Return to the OVERLAY view in the Thesis Date Pull Airtable & record the Date Loaded in Sierra.
Report the Load for the Global Update step to the Batch Thesis Cataloger:
Send an email with the subject line: Global Update for Thesis Batch Load.
Give the name of the load in the body of the email, something like this:
I have just loaded ThesismergedOVERLAYdone-1926. It is ready to have the item records' call number tags changed from 090 to 099.
The item records will be changed from 090 to 099; after the global edit, and the Create Lists file will be removed.
Info |
Statistics for Merge Overlay ProceduresReport the total number of MARC records (not items) imported into Sierra during this process in the “MARC Batch-Modified” column in the CMS Statistics Airtable base. |
New Barcodes, Ready for New Cataloging
Not yet READY: do not use yet
2-Detailed Procedures for New Barcoded, Ready for New Cataloging: (Merge, NO overlay) workflow
UNDERGOING REVISION: please wait before using
AirTable Extraction:
Go to AirTable Hearings 9-10:
Sign up for a certain section of SuDoc Y4 numbers
Batch Loader: you
Batch Load Status: In Progress
Fill in Batch Load Start Date and (if needed during the process) Notes.
Go to view: Barcodee, Ready for New Cataloging:
Flag any problems that need to returned for more work, checking etc. (incomplete, problem, etc.)
Download CSV file of items by clicking on the down arrow at the top menu, in one of two ways:
First filter by SUDOC stem (easily done by adding a filter of Sign up Name is exactly: [your name]--then delete just that filter when done downloading)
Download entire set and delete other titles after opening file in Excel (probably too bulky to do).
Distinguish the download by changing the CSV name of Imported table-Barcoded, Ready for New Cataloging after downloading, something like this: NewCatalogingY4V2HRG101-103.
Excel Column work:
Open Excel app first
Open; from PC; Desktop; All Files;
Then, navigate to the CSV file (such as NewcatalogingY4V2HRG101-103); then choose Delimited; Next; click in Comma box, Next; choose Text, and Finish.
If you haven’t done so already by filtering to your SUDOC stem in Airtable, delete all but your chosen Y4 group rows from the spreadsheet. or copy/paste your chosen titles to another spreadsheet.
Delete all these columns in the spreadsheet:
The 3 sign up columns: Sign up Name, Batch Cataloging Status, Start Date
Final Source
Batch Cataloging Status
Record #(Item) - we don’t use this
Record #(Biblio) - we’re not overlaying
86 (since we’ll be using the first SuDoc Call Number column)
OCLC Finally for Melanie will NOT be deleted: instead delete ANY other OCLC related numbers
Sierra MQ barcode
Barcode added in inventory - make sure this is already in the MARC 949 - $ subfield column, then delete Barcode added in inventory
Volume (if multipart) - should be in another view
Editable SuDoc
Bib Record (linked)
Count of items on Bib
The remaining Columns should be:
SuDoc Call Number
OCLC final for Melanie- this will become our 035 field in the next step
Title - just for error checking, if needed
MARC 949 - $ Subfield - first item record
Keep these specific columns and rename:
SuDoc Call Number change to 099a
Title to 245 - for error checking only
ADD a new Column:
Insert a column; in header name it: 590a
In first column add the text: Y4 Retrocataloging Project 2022
Pull down to fill the rest of the column cells.
MARC 949 - $ Subfield to 949a
OCLC final for Melanie/etc.
Insert 2 new columns to the left.
In the second column add an asterisk * to the header cell, and then pull down to fill in the rest of the column.
In the first column add the function:
=CONCATENATE(F1,G1) ← with F is asterisk column * Gis OCLC Masterpiece
click return key:
First (header) cell should display *OCLC final for Melanie…
Pull down to populate the rest of the cells in the column with their concatenate functions.
Then Copy the entire *OCLC column, and Paste as Values in the same column.
Finally, delete * asterisk column and the unadorned OCLC Masterpiece column.
Change the new *OCLC column to 035a
Save the Excel New Barcodes file as Text (Tab Delimited)
I usually give it a new name, at this point (optional)
MarcEdit Conversion and Edits
Open MarcEdit; then Tools; Delimited Text Translator
Source File:[file name, such as: NewCataloging-Y4Hearings-Y4-3]
Output File:[new name such as NewCataloging4HearingsOverBrief-Y4-3…]
Click Import File (formerly Next)
Manually enter in each column (fields) and map them to MARC fields
Use the Data Snapshot as a guide:
Click Finish.