Info |
Purpose: These procedures will outline the process for barcoding archival collections for both ArchivesSpace and Sierra databases. |
CollMSS = main manuscript collections
FileMSS = file manuscript collections
Photo = photograph collections
Note that collection level records should be ingested into Sierra prior to the barcoding process. If a collection level record is not available, notify the Archival Cataloging Librarian.
The following are known issues or considerations for collections
Items missing on shelves
What to do:
Boxes in ArchivesSpace not on shelf
What to do:Missing items can be determined by a number of factors, including when items are listed in ArchivesSpace but not on the shelf, when there are empty spaces on the shelf where items should be, when there is a placeholder on the shelf, when the numbering of items on the shelf is not sequential, etc.
What to do:
First thing to do is look in the Legal or large Oversize sections to determine if the item is housed elsewhere. If not found, the item could also be in:
Cold Storage
Reading Room (in use)
Reshelving area
Digital (for scanning)
Note that almost all of these spaces will need a curator or cataloger to help you access them. If a curator or cataloger is available to help you find the item, please contact them. However, if they are not available, do the following:
Record the missing item on “Issues” tab of the “Barcoding, Tracking, Issues, and Stats”
Submitter name
Call Number (Collection number + Item/box number)
Date (automatically created)
Problem (select from list)
Additional Information (if needed)
Continue barcoding and recording the remainder of the collection
When the collection is finished, change the Current Status column on the “Sign Up” tab to “Complete - but needs review” and leave a simple note in the Comments column about what was missing.
Note, if the missing item was the ENTIRE or bulk of the collection, change the Current Status column to “Significant Problems - Please Review”
Collections cataloged at multiple levels