Liz Woolcott, Andrea Payant, Becky Skeen & Paul Daybell (2021) Missing the MARC: Utilization of MARC Fields in the Search Process, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 59:1, 28-52, DOI: 10.1080/01639374.2021.1881010
Abstract: Utah State University Cataloging and Metadata Services (CMS) unit analyzed MARC record discoverability within the libraries’ discovery layer, Encore, using web analytics, a web-scrapping tool, and a relational database to examine MARC records listed in users’ search results. MARC records were identified, isolated, and coded to pinpoint where search terms appeared, determine whether they were present in full or in part, and ascertain prominent fields not present in records. Analysis of results showed that notes and summaries were important for record retrieval and that users interacted with authorized name fields more frequently than authorized subject fields.
Research Procedures
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Encoded Archival Description (EAD) Discoverability (2020-2021)
Research Procedures
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Dublin Core Discoverability (