Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


See also our attempt to further pin these down, below: Artist’s book, Private press, Small press, or Livre d’artiste?

Useful MARC fields:

Draft Workflow:

Fixed Fields : most commonly cataloged as OCLC Books or Visual Materials

Use the Book workform if:

The item’s primary content is textual

The item’s format is that of a “regular” book

Use the Visual Materials workform if:

The item’s primary content is non-textual

The item is a deck of cards, kit, 3D object, or other non-book format

Remember that these categories are fluid!

Use cataloger’s judgment and respect the decisions made by other catalogers

100 and 700 artists and other creators:

Common relationship designators include:

  • $e book artist

  • $e artist

  • $e author


  • $e engraver

  • $e lithographer

  • $e papermaker

  • $e printer

  • $e publisher


  • $e binder

500     Artefactual details


590    Utah State University Library has number #

590 Library has copy 26.

650/655 Possible s.h./genre terms:

650  0    Letterpress printing #z United States #x Specimens.

650  0    Paper, Handmade  #z United States #x Specimens.

650  0   Fine bindings #z United States #x Specimens.

655   7    Broadsides #y 20th century. #2 rbgenr

650   0    Toy and movable books #x Specimens.

710 Name of the Press/Publisher is useful to add, if you can discover it.

710 2 Name of Press (check for authorized form, if available)

6xx Artist’s book, Private press, Small press, or Livre d’artiste?

  • Artists books are produced by artists and intended as visual art objects; they often play with the form or idea of a book.

  • Small press are put out by a small press and finely produced (handmade paper, etc.) with runs of less than 500.

  • Private press is a guy in a garage.

  • Privately printed is something printed for an individual (older rare books, in SCA, not usually 20th century).           

  • Livre d’artiste is an overlapping term for books containing collections of original works of art, usually printed directly from a source created by the artist themselves, rather than from a source that was created by a technician from the artist's design. Originated in France around the turn of the 20th century.


  • However: if an artist states that the item is an Artist’s Book, then catalog it as an Artist’s Book

       655   7    Artists’ books #y 20th century. #2 rbgenr


655 7 Livres d’artistes |2 rbgenr 

650  0    Letterpress printing #z United States #x Specimens.

650   0    Paper, Handmade  #z United States #x Specimens.

650  0   Fine bindings #z United States #x Specimens.

655   7    Broadsides #y 20th century. #2 rbgenr

650   0    Toy and movable books #x Specimens.

710 Name of the Press/Publisher is useful to add, if you can discover it.

710 2 Name of Press (check for authorized form, if available)

Selective resources:

Lewis, N., McCormack, A., Skeen, B., Wiederhold, R. (2019, May 15). Beyond Books: Cataloging Special
Format Items [Pre-conference training workshop]. Utah Library Association Annual Conference, Sandy, UT

USU Digital Commons copy here: – slides 3736-66 for the Workshop on Cataloging Artists’ Books by Allison McCormack
