050/090 LC call numbers:
N7433.4.A-Z (Special artists), A-Z
Under each artist:
.xA7-.xZ6 Individual artists' books. By title, A-Zor N7433.3 (general works) for several artists working together or artist unknown?
100 and 700 artists and other creators:
590 Utah State University Library has number #
590 Library has copy 26.
650 and 655 Subject and Genre
Artist’s book, Private press, Small press, or Livre d’artiste?
Artists books are produced by artists and intended as visual art objects; they often play with the form or idea of a book.
Small press are put out by a small press and finely produced (handmade paper, etc.) with runs of less than 500.
Private press is a guy in a garage.
Privately printed is something printed for an individual (older rare books, in SCA, not usually 20th century).
Livre d’artiste is an overlapping term for books containing collections of original works of art, usually printed directly from a source created by the artist themselves, rather than from a source that was created by a technician from the artist's design. Originated in France around the turn of the 20th century.
However: if an artist states that the item is an Artist’s Book, then catalog it as an Artist’s Book
Library of Congress Subject Headings: when using LCSH to describe what the item is, always follow the term by Specimens to distinguish it from a book with the subject of Artists books.
650 0 Letterpress printing |z United States |v Specimens.
650 0 Paper, Handmade |z United States |v Specimens.
650 0 Fine bindings |z United States |v Specimens.
650 0 Toy and movable books |v Specimens.
Genre and Format terms:
In the past we have used Rare Books Binding & Genre Thesaurus (in SCA) or from the Art and Architecture Thesaurus, but there are also newer sources available such as LCGFT and Allison Jai’s Artists’ Book Thesaurus, created for ARLIS/North America: http://allisonjai.com/abt/vocab/index.php
655 7 Artists’ books #y |y 20th century. #2 |2 rbgenr
655 7 Private press books (Publishing) #z |z United States #y |y 20th century. #2 |2 rbpub
655 7 Fine press printing. #2 |2 local
655 7 Livres d’artistes |2 rbgenr
650 0 Letterpress printing #z United States #x Specimens.
650 0 Paper, Handmade #z United States #x Specimens.
650 0 Fine bindings #z United States #x Specimens.
655 7 Broadsides #y 655 7 Broadsides |y 20th century. #2 |2 rbgenr
650 0 Toy and movable books #x Specimens.
710 Name of the Press/Publisher is useful to add, if you can discover it.
USU Digital Commons copy here: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1143&context=lib_present – see slides 36-66 for the Workshop on Cataloging Artists’ Books by Allison McCormack.
Opening Artists' Books to the User: an example with potential approaches / Ann K.D. Myers and William Andrews Myers, 2014.
Artists' books : a cataloguers' manual / by Maria White, Patrick Perratt and Liz Lawes ; on behalf of ARLIS/UK & Ireland Cataloguing and Classification Committee. London : ARLIS/UK and Ireland, 2006/reprinted 2012. Dated (no RDA), but still has a good workflow to adapt.