See also our attempt to further pin Artists' Books (and their near relatives) down: Artist’s book, Private press, Small press, or Livre d’artiste?
Draft Workflow
Fixed Fields : most commonly cataloged
as Monographic Book or Visual Materials
Book format:
The item’s primary content is textual (or wordless with relatively flat pictures)
The item’s format is that of a “regular” book (has page(s) of some kind)
Visual Materials format:
The item’s primary content is non-textual
The item is a deck of cards, kit, 3D object, or other non-book format
Remember that these categories are fluid
Use cataloger’s judgment and respect the decisions made by other catalogers
And use
other formatsanother format if
theyit better
suitsuits the Artist’s book
Also, don’t completely redo another catalogers judgement when copy cataloging
050/090 LC call numbers:
N7433.4.A-Z (Special artists), A-Z
Under each artist:
.xA7-.xZ6 Individual artists' books. By title, A-Zor N7433.3 (general works) for several artists working together or artist unknown?