Updated to 6/28/2021
Once Government Information has sent the updated Excel spreadsheet showing owned titles, open the spreadsheet, as we will be loading only those that we own (with the exception of bound-with volumes, or already documents already in Sierra).
Open MarcEdit; Tools; Select MARC Records; Extract Selected Records.
Down in Source MARC File, navigate to the File:
In Search, select Field and Field# and in Display Field choose either 245 or 086 if titles are too similar, and click Import File.
Referring to the checked spreadsheet:
click the boxes next to Record Numbers for owned titles:
Click on Export Selected.
Name the file something easily recognizable, such as:
Optional: open the file in the MarcEditor to make sure all is well, and take a look at the titles,
Use Find; Find All: =245 and again, compare to the Excel shelf-checked file:
Finally, go to File; Compile into MARC and give it a distinctive name:
Click on Export Records.
Use the saved Export: GPOmarciveload, then click OK:
Browse to the desktop and name the future file.
Open in Excel, clean up, and convert to Excel Workbook as usual.
Update OCLC Batch Holdings for the loaded files
In Excel spreadsheet of loaded records, highlight the 035 column and replace the (OCoLC) prefix with an * (asterisk) using A Find/Replace.
Copy all the * OCLC numbers in the column.
Log in to OCLC Connexion.
Then click Batch; Holdings by OCLC Number and paste the copied * OCLC numbers into the text box to the left:
Click in the circle next to Update Holdings
Then, click OK to update our holdings.
A Batch Holdings by OCLC Number Report should open with a list of the records updated.
Any errors will be listed at the bottom of the report, and are usually records that, for some reason or other, already have our holdings set.
Finishing up
Finish filling in the columns in the MarciveGPO file tracker in Airtable.
Record statistics and clean up Sierra load files and the review file in Create Lists.
Finally, send an email to Government Information folks to announce what file(s) has/have been loaded, along with attached spreadsheet(s) of titles.